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  • Mod Talk Abh
  • Abh Mod v0.7.2.6 for Cosmoteer 0.15.10a (not 0.15.11+)

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  • bio_hive_launcher: mini seeking missile basically a drone/torpedo that can be used by small ships or large ships; inspired by Half Life's hive gun or the later Halo alien needle gun or similar to Star Gate atlantian drones
  • bio_medula_launcher: similarly a live space creature missile; it attaches to ships to suck power and rip them apart.
  • compound variable thruster system: this system allows you to put together powerful modular thrusters. It'S similar to the internal impulse drive modular system. The plasma_driver module is the accelerator part which will buff the actual thruster module: variable_plasma_thruster. You can use and place any reactor at the starting end but the polywell_fusion_reactor was specially made to work with the system. This will allow the thruster to be powered as needed. The thruster can be used elongated along its vertical length or along its width. You have to toggle the side mode to do this. The horizontal / wide side is slightly more powerful. Accelerators and thrusters must align meaning they have to have the same side orientation mode for the buffs to work and stack. If you need the thruster to be angled you have to unlock its rotation switch and use the part targeting to set the rotation, and then lock it afterwards. The rotation arc is limited to 45 degrees on either side. If you don't like the side protector covers you can turn them invisible. You can add them as side thrusters to a larger setup which will also be buffed when directly adjacent. However, the buffs are limited. Engine, cooling and other buffs can also be applied if needed. All buffs stack.
  • mass_driver_turret: this is a second generation modular turret system. Using mass_driver_extender parts you can extend the barrel for more range, shot speed and firepower. Currently, the buffs is capped at 200%. Turret rotation speed can be buffed by turret_servo_1x1 and turret_servo_2x2. The barrel extenders can only buff when placed aligned with the turret (their center must connect; see blueprint mode connector). The turret can fire 4 different shots; railgun; bomblet; EMP bomblet; EMP penetrator

New Requested Parts:

  • casemate_turret, casemate_turret_cormer_L, casemate_turret_corner_R for WWI type ships and broadsiders

  • cosmo_torpedo_tube: your ordinary space torpedo tube can fire ordinary torpedo; spatial torpedo and photonic torpedo; exclusively in defense mode fires a barrier torpedo. This covers most scifi universes including early Star Trek tech.

  • ball_defense_turret 2S: dual barrel version of the 4-barrel ball_defense_turret

about Abh 0.72 RC2!
Except for some effects it's finished. However, I was not able to upgrade old parts yet so this could take a while but sine they work regardless it's low priority. Upgrading their code would just make things simpler.

Anyhow, there are a few problems and downsides.

  • The cargo transporter is no longer working as before. In fact the upgrade made it go forward one step and two steps backward. I'm unable to fix and unwilling to return to the old mechanics so I've resorted to the primitive area effects method. So now it supplies ammo in a radius of 14 tiles but at a lower rate due to crew. It can no longer automatically get ammo from adjacent storage/factories. I'll keep looking for ways to improve it and fix but this is relatively low priority.

  • to complement the casemate_turrets I've decided to unlock the side turrets for fighter sized ship meant for the VariTech mod.

  • Likewise I've decided to unlock the light_force_wings but not the modular variable wings.

  • As Walt has heed my wish for a new feature I've decided to release wisp_launcher early. It fires a partially random number of wisps which attack nearby ships.

  • The mine dispenser has received "mine snipers" which can also be dispersed using the Eutypalayer missile launched by the fleet ballistic missile launcher.

  • thruster variants with aesthetic nozzles have been removed and in turn aesthetic nozzle options have been added to the base thrusters. They are basically just roof covers so you can only see them from the outside not the inside.

just variable thruster specific example to show visual buffing difference

    about Abh 0.72 full version

    • I've added joints for convenience so you can build them easily without having to use hangar anchor parts. It'S a 1x4 so there's enough space to allow them being build in reverse for a short dual joint. You can create a longer one by building back to back. See blueprint mode for the arrows showing where the base is. The joint is where the round bearing is. Save them in blueprint mode to avoid having to connect the ship sections.
    • I've unlocked celestial bodies for building ancient ships. You can build planets, gas planets and stars. Each with options for different types and or with rings.
    • Added plasma_teleporter: a simple transporter room dedicated to mine celestial objects like those above. Currently it only mines power at a distance of 40 tiles. I'll unlock gas mining later but will have to see how resources are in Cosmoteer's released version.
    • The old warp coils have been replaced with railgun like modular parts. There are two parts the warp coil A-part is the main part which gives all the buffs and warp lights. The warp coil B-part is the accelerator type part that buffs the warp coil setup. A single warp coil setup only needs one A-part and as many B-part as you want. But you still need the nacelle control room. The nacelle control room can auto supply them with power only if they are placed horizontal or vertical to it. It gives a slight buff only in the same setup.
    • Added bio_nastydae_launcher: it launches bugs which can be set to destroy (armor) on the outside and or infiltrate the ship to do internal damage and fire.

    My attempt at fixing vanilla failed on all fronts. So there's nothing I can do. The majority of current bugs and crashes are purely due to game bugs. Some might be fixable (like buff values not showing for some reason) but I've not figured out how to fix those yet. Crashing bugs however are all game bugs and all involve variability in one or other form. For some reason the game disables them by itself making it unable to find them and crashes. Some involves the building editor which all seem to be various updating issues like unlocking parts and or buffs or proxies.

    • As requested I've added some Halo weapons. As they are generic weapon I'm not going to do any further work on them unless it's a bug.
    • As requested I've released earlier than planned compound engineering parts with which you can build modular machinery rooms. The reason for the version number bump. For now only mini_nuclear_reactor, mini_fusion_reactor, mini_ftl_drive, mini_warp_core01, mini_warp_core02, floor and the control station/console parts are available. Same principles as the compound bridge system but this system involves control points. Each machinery required a certain number of control points and can be offset by control stations/consoles. For balance reason you need a chief engineering station to unlock the ordinary station. Singular or unattached machinery parts don't need a control station to keep compatibility with old builds. There's a minor rare indicator bug which for some reason displays the "No Cntrl" despite being fine. Most of the time it's correct, though. Tech1G1 control parts are in Tech1 groups all else is in power group. There's a minor problem with variable ftl range for some reason the game simply unlocks them all at once. So I'll fix the problems in the next release.
    • Add a new experimental roof turret: mobile_siege_turret. It's a very old childhood idea of mine predating cosmoteer in fact. The idea is to have a turret on rails moving about the ship, hence, it's location doesn't matter for its reach. It's in the modular turret group. You can add track4x3 parts to increase the turrets rail based turning range (radius 40 tiles). The turret itself has a 90 degree arc. The tracks suffer from two random crash cases. One is building (update) bug and possibly savegame bug on loading. The reason for track4x3's complexity is cheating prevention so I won't backdown on that. Also due to the space needed turret distancing is enforced. The distance is semi variable depending on how far the track is.
    • Some QOL improvements mostly old parts that haven't been changed for ages other than necessary compatibility updated..

    sorry the game didn't render properly so the barrels don't show up here. Also initiation problem shows the turret facing right, but it's not a serious bug. It auto-re-orient itself when the turret becomes live.

    compound engineering parts

    Halo parts (0.7.5 bugfix update)

    • I've lowered the control point requirements for the warp cores to ease up the difficulty when building a large setup. It's difficult to fine tune this in part due to buff being unreliable when it comes down to fractions instead of integer numbers. So more changes might happen in the future.
    • fixed the track4x3 part for the mobile siege turret. It was a buff bug which was unclear and caused secondary issues misleading me.
    • added a mini_cyclotron_booster with which you build modular engine rooms to buff thrusters. it's on near parity to vanilla but gets strong fast
    • added more compound parts in the form of hybrid armor (because walls makes things confusing) for corridors and compound engineering/bridge. So you can build protected and internally aesthetic configurations.
    • unlocked cylone lasers for small crafts just to round up the release.
    • more QOL
    • I've reorganized parts into modular groups to help finding parts. The downside is it's not apparent what kind of tech level they belong to. So please check and read the part description and eventually consult the wiki. If there's something needing improvement let me know.

    Please Note:
    There are two sets of hybrid armor parts: one merges with corridor, the other merges with the compound bridges and engineering modular system. The reason there are two sets it to prevent merging the rooms with corridors while also supporting continuous form from one side to the other.

      I've uploaded an interim version for use with Cosmoteer 0.15.6.

      It's called WIP0 to differ it from December 4th WIP version.
      The WIP0 is just a compatibility version it only includes two new parts while the previous version included more new parts but it has not the latest bug fixes.
      The other new parts are currently being changed so they will be available at a later date in an RC version and the final completed 0.7.2 version.

        Lafiel changed the title to Abh Mod v0.7.2 WIP for Cosmoteer 0.15.6.

          thanks, your mod is the greatest


            I've uploaded a fix for a crash with one of the oldest parts that's hardly ever used: room_wedge

              5 days later
              Lafiel changed the title to Abh Mod v0.7.2 RC1 for Cosmoteer 0.15.6,0.15.6a.

                I've uploaded the RC1 version which is basically the same as WIP version from last December 4th but with all recent bug fixes. So it has the others new parts available again compared to last week's WIP0 version. See the details posts for the details.
                Currently, these parts still have those buff bugs to some extend but otherwise work perfectly as intended. So for the time being they have workarounds to make them work. However, the buffs don't show up and for the new compound_variable_thrusters the buffs tend to runaway if you move them around a lot instead of placing them right away. So I recommend to build them as a module, and then copy and paste. That should prevent the buffs from running away somewhat. But you still need to place them as soon as possible.

                  10 days later

                  Um, so... it seems that whenever I select a third ship part after having placed down two different ones, the game completely freezes and then crashes. I was just testing the aquatic habitat by itself and so I had the habitat and a water condenser and as soon as I selected a water tank, I didn't even place it, the game froze and shortly afterwards crashed. Can you please reply, Lafiel? I would think that you would probably know something about this.

                    Catlover1 The game crashes for unknown reasons with the water condenser and water tank combo.
                    There's no error report whatsoever. Virtually, nothing has been changed and they worked fine last time. So I've forwarded it to Walt. But with this is unlikely to get fixed now.

                      I have a error If i use Russian language. I master english not enough for use it. I tried to launch Cosmoteer without other mods and error was anyway.

                      P.S. Sorry for my English, i began to study it not very long ago.

                        warpoint I've re-uploaded the mod with the fix for russian. It was a double copy mistake.

                        Right now there are a few bugs causing crashes with Abh. Half is very likely game bugs the other half is 50/50. The problem is I can't determine the cause and or the source yet.

                        • The combination of water_tank and water_condenser leads to a crash as soon as they are together. Pretty sure it's a game bug.
                        • For some reason savegame loading crash with quantum_torpedo_launcher. It's a ToggledComponent conflict of unknown reason. You can fix the conflict by loading the ship into blueprint mode.
                        • Explosion or Shield hit or Explosion/Proximity-Impulse crashes that occur and not limited to Abh. No idea yet.
                        • Crew pathing crash that'S also not limited to Abh. Somewhat random. No idea yet. Even crashes with parts where it shouldn't be possible.

                        Basically, 0.15.6 is bugged and it's hard to find or be certain about anything.

                          I've uploaded the mod with some graphical fixes; and fixes for the classic tractor beam roof parts.

                          The mass driver turrets still suffers from excessive buff bugs. Also save game files tend to have ToggledComponents conflicts upon loading. Nothing I can do here. Ship save files should be alright. If it still fail load it in blueprint mode. If you still have problem please tell me.

                          Also there's still some crash of unknown origin so tell me if you got one and the part involves, better yet provide me the ship, too. So far I have not been able to find the reported sources for the crashes.

                            Minor update but kind of urgent to clarify the workings of supply corridors with ranged transfer. So the part description & info text and tutorial text now clearly state that: they do not transfer to parts adjacent in the direction of the ranged transfer. The point of ranged transfer is to skip everything in between and allow concurrent lines to cross each other without interaction. Also I've changed or cut the "cable" into an arrowhead in normal view for visual confirmation.

                              Another minor update. In one of the past code updates the storage for the isokinetic cannon was messed up which prevented it from firing. It simply didn't charged up enough.

                                Minor update as I've mixed up a file version for a future release.

                                  As Cosmoteer 0.15.6 and 0.15.6a are so unstable and buggy with Abh
                                  I've uploaded an upgraded version of last December's WIP to the latest code base. However, as it didn't have old bugs fixed I may have overlooked some in this upgrade. It's compatible with (0.15.3 to) 0.15.5d. It's not compatible with 0.15.6!

                                    5 days later

                                    I've updated the WIP version for Cosmoteer 0.15.5d with newly requested parts. Things are ongoing and there are minor problems remaining (not bugs) and one crash bug to be resolved. I'll try to get them fixed before releasing the RC2 version for Cosmoteer 0.15.6a with these same new parts. The WIP will be upgraded along with future RC versions but won't be renamed to keep the distinction between them.

                                    The other unlocked parts probably will have to wait until Cosmoteer's release. Unless I somehow can resolved all issues and upgrade the VariTech mod.

                                      12 days later

                                      I've updated the WIP version for Cosmoteer 0.15.5d and the RC1 version for Cosmoteer 0.15.6a. They are the same.
                                      Cosmoteer 0.15.6a is not recommended since it crashes a lot due to game bugs. There seems to be some mismanagement of code in memory.
                                      Anyhow, unlocked the trailing lights for navigation lights. It's under the ship to avoid weirdness when not moving.
                                      Unlocked firing arc buffing part for modular turrets. Currently, only usable with mass driver turret.
                                      Fixed a number of graphic errors for old parts that got into the mod due to various code changes.

                                        Lafiel I'd like to report the Bio - Tech parts to you. Every time when I build multiple blocks of bio at once, it crashes my game to 0FPS, and a crash shortly later. Is there anything you can do to fix this? If so, thank you!