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I noticed the lack of Star Trek ship designs for Cosmoteer. So I thought I would try and remedy this by designing and creating some of my own. My first one is below and I will continue uploading more as soon as I create them.

Most of these ships will require the Abh mod as Lafiel has done a wonderful job at creating Star Trek components.
Link for his mod here:
Link to Lafiel's profile:

Live Long and Prosper!

I will also be adding some Vanilla ships for you guys who dont have this mod. They will have vanilla next to the name.

USS Nimitz (Photon Torp Version/OP version)

Cost: 890,996$
Crew: 174
This is my first go at creating a Star Trek inspired ship. Using photon torps this version is op and can easily take on vanguard difficulty ships.

Uss Nimitz (Missile Version)

Cost: 899,946$
Crew: 176
This version is significantly less powerful and can take on Veteran difficulty

NX-01 Enterprise

Cost: 569,840$
Crew: 96
I tried to make this ship as show accurate as possible. Since the in show ship doesn't have shields I went with metric f*ck tonnes of armour to try and compensate for having no shields and I'm amazed how well it actually performs. Like the show it only has 6 Phasers (4 bow and 2 stern) and 2 missile launchers and is kinda slow. I tested it against a few ships at mid tier difficulty and all though it usually wins the fight it takes a lot of damage doing so due to the lack of weapons.

NX-01 Enterprise (Vanilla)

Cost: 541,940$
Crew: 96
Exactly the same as the ship above but vanilla

USS Enterprise TOS

Currently I'm in the process of redesigning this but I thought I would release it regardless as it's good to go. It requires the Abh mod

Added the NX-01 Enterprise

    Added TOS Enterprise

      oh no

      Dovahkiin Well then.... hmm

      18 days later

      hello I'm new to the ABH mod (Like noob scrub level) so can someone please tell me what exactly the "levels" are, and how to use them?

        a month later

        Hello trekmoteer I do have ships to contribute as well.

        The sneak peek at a new ship. Credits to the Original owner of the Enterprise kelvin timeline version.

        Here are the constitution refit or called Enterprise NCC 1701 and the Reliant NCC 1864, Klingon bird of prey




        Then the NCC-2000 Excelsior and the NCC Enterprise-B



        z-0ne These are some very nice star trek ships, great job!

        Just added this
        Credits towards the Original owner of the Enterprise E
        Star wars vs Star trek, the USS Vengeance vs USS Energizer SSD, credits to the SSD creator.
        The demise of the Executioner super star destroyer.

        These ships are epic.
        Very powerful.

          The Intel Class USS Vengeance would be exclusive to Youtubers.

          Here is what people would want in their collection, a truly perfect USS Enterprise D Galaxy class rather than the Enterprs XD or the one which it's saucer blows up like a bomb.

          z-0ne I guess that means me then ;P

            Badwolf66 it has to be frequent cosmoteer content like tiny pirate or scrap man etc.

              z-0ne What would you call frequent?

                Badwolf66 A content creator who creates more than average cosmoteer game play.

                  z-0ne So far I have 7 Cosmoteer Videos and more planned.
                  They do take time to make.

                    I will wait and see.

                      Trekmoteer I just built the Pheonix

                        z-0ne Hey z-0ne! I'm a youtuber with a decent playlist of cosmoteer videos. One of my viewers would like me to pit your USS Vengeance against one of my ships, the Borg Sphere (video here:

                        If you're okay with it please send me the schematics for your ship, or let me know how you'd like to get in touch. Thanks!