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Whilst they made considerable effort matching the whisper to any languages and dialects they had encountered so far, their efforts were fruitless, what the whisper said, if it said anything at all, remained obscure.
The search for data on the trembling on the other hand, had at least some form of success.
There were no precedents logged, no similarities with otehr events, nor was there any pattern to it, aside from having occured across the entire territory simultaneously...
Upon searching further, eventually they got word from the Embassy, where this exact same phenomenon seemed to have happened. At the very same time at that...

    2 months later

    A large black cloud followed by a red flash is seen at the borders of the VWP, so a warp signature is detected at one of the nearest space stations, after which a small diplomatic spacecraft leaves the black cloud, while the spacecraft accelerated the cloud gradually disappeared, the ship continued at a moderate speed through the system.

      //Transmission Start//
      "Attention unknown craft, identify yourselves, nation of origin, and intentions immediately. Four corvettes are being dispatched to escort you and will open fire if you fail to oblige. You have 30 minutes to comply."
      //Transmission End//

      Sure enough, 4 signatures Switch into the system and begin an intercept course.


        Transmission Start
        Don't shoot we are from the Jinaris empire we come here on a diplomatic mission as we are members of the embassy i think we should get closer maybe an alliance.

        Transmission awaiting a reply

          7 days later

          //Transmission Start//
          "A delegation from the Jinaris Empire has been expected. Proceed to your current system's outpost, co-ordinates attached. A representative will be waiting for you there."
          //Transmission End//

            9 months later

            On the borders of VWP space, a shuttle bearing the insignia of the UEG drops out of slipspace. They send a signal stating that they wish to meet with the respective VWP diplomats to discuss relations. Also noted in the signal is that the ship means no harm.

            Onboard the shuttle, Linda O'Drisscol sits in her small bathroom attached to her quarters. She turns on the bathroom sinks faucet and splashes cold water on her face to calm her nerves. She dries her face off with a nearby towel and heads into the main compartment of her quarters.

            Papers lay scattered on the floor and her datapad lay propped up on her pillow. She moves past the datapad and turns it on. She eyes the screen for any incoming messages. Nothing. She stares at the background which was a picture of a fox she managed to catch back on her homeworld of Agolis III.

            She readies herself and heads towards the main gallery of the ship where she can get something to eat. She rustles around for scraps as she had missed the main breakfast. She found leftover bagel and some Vixen brand cream cheese.

            After eating she heads back to her quarters and waits for any responses from the crew about their arrival.

              4 days later

              The hail from Linda's shuttle was received and relayed up the command line. Barely a minute passed before the comms suite of the nearest Orbital was graced by a most unusual guest. The mysterious diplomat Kotaii, seemingly always exactly where he needed to be, stepped through the door.

              K: "Well? What's the situation?"
              Officer: "O-Oh! Uhm, some shuttle claiming to represent the UEG, unarmed, standard slipspace."
              K: "Is that so... direct them to Laimura Spacedock."
              O: "Here!? But sir-!"
              K: "If we could trust British representatives to set foot Orbitally to discuss a prospective alliance, then we can surely trust the representatives of a nation we are allied to in an active war, no?"
              O: "I... Understood, sir."
              K: "Excellent. Besides, they brought one diplomatic shuttle with barely enough room for a personal quarters, what's the worst that could happen?"

              //Transmission Start//
              "Laimura STC to UEG shuttle, signal received and visual acquired. Vector to Laimura Spacedock marina bay 37, coordinates and docking instructions attached."
              //Transmission End//

              • ONI likes this.
              5 days later
              • Edited



              The diplomatic ship's main thrusters flare a bright blue as it heads towards the space dock.

              Linda finishes the final touches on her look before she meets the foxes.

              6 days later

              Laimura itself was a structure on the scale most would only dream of. A massive ring, slowly spinning around in the depths of space, easily at least 100km in radius. Linda couldn't quite place why, but the sight sent a chill down her spine.

              Kotaii was waiting at the landing pad as her ship approached. The thrust from the shuttle's engines caused quite the windy atmosphere, but at this point he was used to such occurrences. He rose to greet her as she dismounted the shuttle, quite literally, he went up on his hind legs in order to shake her hand, though at this stature he towered over her.

              K: "Welcome! Welcome! Allow me to personally congratulate you on being the fourth human to set foot on Vaiaelon soil for nearly 2 centuries. Ah, speaking of said soil, I do apologise for the heightened gravity. I'm well aware humans can sometimes find the conditions challenging, though I can organise a locomotion support should you need it."

              • ONI likes this.
              17 days later

              Soundbust11 On the ships view screens, the ominous ring brought a gut wrenching fear into some of the crew who were borrowed from the navy to fly this mission.

              Linda feels the same. She swallows her fear and puts a smile on her face.

              K: "Welcome! Welcome! Allow me to personally congratulate you on being the fourth human to set foot on Vaiaelon soil for nearly 2 centuries. Ah, speaking of said soil, I do apologise for the heightened gravity. I'm well aware humans can sometimes find the conditions challenging, though I can organise a locomotion support should you need it."

              The ships boarding ramp comes down. Linda walks off towards K. She introduces
              herself and hold out a hand to shake. She quickly pulls her hand back and asks if that’s acceptable in their culture.

                7 days later

                Kotaii blinked, then started laughing for a moment.

                "Ohoh! Your manners are greatly appreciated, but yes, it is perfectly acceptable, if a little unusual."

                He then took her hand in a friendly yet firm handshake.

                "Even were that not the case, I'd indulge you all the same. I may well be playing host, but that's no good reason to disregard the customs of your people. We stand on equal ground for the time being."

                "Now then, would you have any preference for the venue? There's a few good restaurants nearby, a park as well. Though if the subject matters you wish to discuss are better spoken of behind closed doors, we have a place for that as well."

                  Soundbust11 He then took her hand in a friendly yet firm handshake.


                  Linda blushes as the Kotaii takes her hand. Her small delicate hands are drowned out in the furry sea of his paw. Losing her train of thought she asks what he said again. After getting re-explained she says she thinks a nice restaurant would be a great place to conduct the meeting. In Linda's head, she wishes she could be taken back to this foxes room. In her head, her thoughts are going a million miles an hour as she can stop thinking about this fox.
                  In the briefest of random thoughts, she pretends that she is going on a date and forgets the actual diplomatic mission at hand.

                  Oh silly Linda

                  ONI owo

                  (FLUB WHAT IS THIS)

                  6 days later

                  Kotaii guided the human woman out of the docks to a sleek black transport that was waiting for them, holding the door for her as they embarked. The windows were tinted, letting the passengers see out while keeping whatever transpired within entirely clandestine to the outside world. He made idle chit chat during the short journey, eventually announcing they had arrived.

                  The restaurant had a smooth look while still giving off a sense of aged charm in its design. Most of the seating was outdoors, where a short balcony preceded a view over a decently sized lake, a few recreational watercrafts floating along the surface. One could only imagine the effort required to install something like this on the artificial structure while maintaining the roughly natural aesthetic.

                  "A waiter should be here to take orders soon enough, I'm not a big fan of imposing on local business with federal officialities, if you'll excuse the apparent unplanned nature of all this. What do you think of the view?"

                  • ONI likes this.
                  • ONI replied to this.


                      6 days later
                      • Edited

                      Soundbust11 Kotaii guided the human woman out of the docks to a sleek black transport that was waiting for them, holding the door for her as they embarked. The windows were tinted, letting the passengers see out while keeping whatever transpired within entirely clandestine to the outside world. He made idle chit chat during the short journey, eventually announcing they had arrived.

                      The restaurant had a smooth look while still giving off a sense of aged charm in its design. Most of the seating was outdoors, where a short balcony preceded a view over a decently sized lake, a few recreational watercrafts floating along the surface. One could only imagine the effort required to install something like this on the artificial structure while maintaining the roughly natural aesthetic.

                      "A waiter should be here to take orders soon enough, I'm not a big fan of imposing on local business with federal officialities, if you'll excuse the apparent unplanned nature of all this. What do you think of the view?"

                      Linda takes her seat across from Kotaii the absolute hunk of a space fox. Quickly going over the menu before placing it down answering his question.I'm sure it is fine. This place is very extravagant. The view is...just wow...just wow. Now, this is a place you could take a girl to. Linda says attempting to hide her blushing face as she says the last part.

                      9 days later

                      Kotaii paused for a moment, tilting his head at the strange human girl's words.

                      "Yes, I... I suppose it would be, wouldn't it. I will admit my days of dabbling in matters like that are long, long gone, so I hadn't considered such. I hope it does not offend you."

                      A waitress walked over. She hesitated upon seeing a human at the table, but a hand signal from one of the bodyguards at Kotaii's 'car' calmed her down. The majority of the menu items were meat-based, though there were some salad-like options. Kotaii ordered what he later explained was a rough equivalent of a steak, and made it clear he could order in something else if nothing here suited her palate.

                      "Now, if you have no objections, to business. The Pact is interested in much closer cooperation with the UEG, particularly in military aspects, though by no means exclusively."

                      Soundbust11 ”No offence taken.” Linda says. She scours over the menu and when she finds something remotely interesting she shows the menu to Kotaii pointing to what she has decided on.

                      ”More cooperation with a particular interest in military endeavours. My my mr fox. You have some big ideas!” Linda thinks to herself before she speaks. “I’m sure we can work something out with our two species and government cooperating on a grand scale. Now, regarding military, The UEG also wants to have much more close military relations. Mainly because of relations with the GBE and UoJ.” “Or you could make just me a deal” Linda thinks trying to stop her face from warming up.

                      (Horny for fox simulator)

                      a month later

                      The fox man smiled at her words, though winced ever so slightly at the mention of inter-species co-operation.

                      "The Council has some concerns regarding cultural clashes between general populaces. Hell, a lot of my job is just keeping the major population centers away from each others' throats within the Pact. Rushing in to widespread cultural connectivity could very well lead to unintended consequences. That said, there is a possible reach around solution that I would like you to consider."

                      "I've always been of the opinion that hitting two birds with one stone is good, but three is better. Our stealth and subterfuge technologies are almost second to none, as I'm sure you're aware, however we lack the critical element; insertion method. This is where the Pact feels we could gain a lot from each other."

                      He pulled a device from inside his coat, placing it on the table. A shimmering field appeared around them, all outside noises disappearing entirely, and he took on a less jesting tone.

                      "We are aware of the UEG's own surveillance organisation going by, or operating under, ONI. And please, don't try to feign ignorance, we do know. What I propose is a joint task force; VWP technology, ONI personnel. Such a force would quite obviously be one to be reckoned with, but the intended outcome is twofold. Any results said team outputs is publicised where possible. Security concerns aside, all the publics need to know is what was discovered, and that it couldn't have been done without the help of the other nation. Consider this a sort of test run to see how people react to increased co-operation when directly faced with its positives."

                      His expression softened "Of course I realise this is mainly a concern on my end, but it is a concern none the less. I will admit I feel a slight pride in the plan, I oversee the team responsible you see."