Meranera For reference, the Ion Beam Emitter has a max range of 150, the Ternary 140, and the Mass Driver 220.
The Mass Driver has a DPS of 1000 against shields, 2000 against unpenetratable components, and 4250 (!) against penetratable components, while the Ion Beam Emitter deals 1800 to both shields and components.
Which exact ranges would you recommend?
I'd say the Mass driver should get maybe +70 or +80, enough to let it be used as the sniping weapon it was intended for; it fires slowly and does a lot of damage, but at present is out-ranged by every missile except the short-range missiles from the Robotech mod. The Ternary I could see being more useful at about 180 range; it is a capital-ship sized weapon, after all, and I've always felt that the big ship combat in this game ends up either being an Ion Beam match or is practically a barroom brawl.
Meranera The Mass Driver is a specialized weapon, intended to be used alongside the Ion Missile Platform.
I may need to buff the IMP's range and missile health for that combo to work well, though.
I would recommend upping the IMP's range and speed instead; the base health of missiles is identical to PD damage in vanilla, and possibly give its splash damage the shutdown effect of electro-bolts. That last part is a maybe and would need some play-testing to see if it's a good idea or not, but the IMPs just feel like they don't do much after the initial shield shutdown until the shields come back up again (if they ever do)