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This mod adds 17 parts that are balanced around vanilla.
By Meranera and Lafiel

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD: Main Version - Compatible with 0.14.0 and 0.14.1.

Splitfire Repeaters / Ion Cannon:
SFR-PD Splitfire Repeater SFR-II SFR-IV Ion1
Fires energy bolts that explode upon physical contact, shredding large amounts of armor.

Barrier Point-Defense:

Windowless Crew Parts:
c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6

1x1/2x2 Reactor:
R1x1 R2x2
Higher output, but lower capacity and higher cost compared to the vanilla version.

1x2/2x4 Shield Generator:
s1 s2 s3 s4
Shield projectors whose barriers only show up when hit.

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD: Main Version - Compatible with 0.14.0 and 0.14.1.

Legacy Version (old weapons)

Future Plans:
- Adding more weaponry
- Further balancing

Special Thanks To:
- Bubbet, IVIemories and Ryuuro, for fixing my many coding mistakes.
- Lafiel, for coding several of the weapons
- Star, for telling me my balancing is good

I dont know if i want to shoot these or just watch the animations

Very sweet animations, amazing work

These animations are mesmerizing.

Meranera For the volt disruptor, you can just make the mod reskin the vanilla gun.

    Deactivated-Account I've heard that wasn't possible without replacing every single vanilla sprite, or by replacing files in Data.
    If there's a way that doesn't involve either of those, I'd love to hear it.

    Also, the support so far from everyone's appreciated.

      Meranera Im pretty sure you can do that the same way you change the description or the stats of vanilla guns and blocks. If it doesnt work you can just put a tutorial on how to do it in the main message or you could ask the admin if he could replace it and maybe reskin some other guns.

        ok, found a small glitch while using the Hardlight Accelerator Cannon, the flash (a.k.a Fire indicator) is all over when the weapon is firing. it's nothing major but it's a little annoying.

        Make the laser I talked about in #modding plis. It would be great

          JohnStar145 Thanks for notifying me, I'll look into it.
          In which situations has the bug happened for you?
          I'll update the download link and reply again when it's fixed.

          That_Angry_Man Do you mean the black hole launcher from Super Smash Bros?
          I'm planning on something similar with a fancier animation, but it's rather low-priority.

          Mod has been updated; I've added blueprint sprites, as well as a new anti-shield missile launcher.

          my suggestion for weapon : hyper-drive cannon- very long reload it vould use the same system as ftl drive but with only one arm the barrel is on ou you can use the futuristic design and make cool animations it would need 3 bullets and 9 batteries for powering up then it vould shoot. imagine a nuclear bomb (something like tsar bomba) compressed into an artillery shell then shooted through cosmos in speed of light ramming into enemy ship...
          Devastation guarranteed 1 hit 1 kill. gun that would be 4x3 very,very expensive 😃 i think it could be cool weapon to have on you ship 😃



            Woah, that's a very cool Mod must say one of my new favourites. Not enough balanced Mods, I must say that missile animation is on point! Keep up the great work buddy! Some nice suggestions above for the Mod ^

            Kind regards

            Meranera ok, downloaded and tested your updated file, but still has the bug


            The highlighted red circle is the "flash" of the weapon when firing, the yellow arrow indicates where it should be.

            another juicy animation

              Doge420GoodGuy ProntoManagement
              Sniper cannon that pierces shields has been added to my list.

              I've fixed the issue on my end - it'll come with the next update, which'll add a mini-missile burst-fire turret.