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Rifqi_Fajar_Zain updates didn't break DecoMod for ages. That's it's immunity to updates. The joke is that this mod will have the same immunity to updates.

    Ultranova Running with Kroom's

      RedAndCosmoteer That's because Kroom's removes the path that I'm also trying to remove. What you want to do is remove this from the mod.txt (in Kroom's Forge)

      //******************** RESKIN VANILLA CREW QUARTERS ROOF ********************
      		Action = Overrides
      		OverrideIn = "<ships/terran/crew_quarters_small/crew_quarters_small.txt>/Part/Components/Graphics/Roof"
      					File = "Parts/Crew/VanillaCrewQuarters1x2/roof.png"
      					Size = [1, 2]
      					File = "Parts/Crew/VanillaCrewQuarters1x2/roof_33.png"
      					Size = [1, 2]
      					File = "Parts/Crew/VanillaCrewQuarters1x2/roof_66.png"
      					Size = [1, 2]
      		Action = Remove
      		Remove = "<ships/terran/crew_quarters_small/crew_quarters_small.txt>/Part/Components/Graphics/OperationalRoofWindows"
      		Action = Overrides
      		OverrideIn = "<ships/terran/crew_quarters_med/crew_quarters_med.txt>/Part/Components/Graphics/Roof"
      					File = "Parts/Crew/VanillaCrewQuarters2x2/roof.png"
      					Size = [2, 2]
      					File = "Parts/Crew/VanillaCrewQuarters2x2/roof_33.png"
      					Size = [2, 2]
      					File = "Parts/Crew/VanillaCrewQuarters2x2/roof_66.png"
      					Size = [2, 2]
      		Action = Remove
      		Remove = "<ships/terran/crew_quarters_med/crew_quarters_med.txt>/Part/Components/Graphics/OperationalRoofWindows"
      	//******************** RESKIN VANILLA REACTOR ROOF ********************
      		Action = Overrides
      		OverrideIn = "<ships/terran/reactor_small/reactor_small.txt>/Part/Components/Graphics/Roof"
      					File = "Parts/Power/VanillaReactor2x2/roof.png"
      					Size = [2, 2]
      					File = "Parts/Power/VanillaReactor2x2/roof_33.png"
      					Size = [2, 2]
      					File = "Parts/Power/VanillaReactor2x2/roof_66.png"
      					Size = [2, 2]
      		Action = Overrides
      		OverrideIn = "<ships/terran/reactor_small/reactor_small.txt>/Part/Components/Graphics/OperationalRoofWindows"
      					File = "Parts/Power/VanillaReactor2x2/roof_windows.png"
      					Size = [2, 2]
      					File = "Parts/Power/VanillaReactor2x2/roof_windows_33.png"
      					Size = [2, 2]
      					File = "Parts/Power/VanillaReactor2x2/roof_windows_66.png"
      					Size = [2, 2]

        Ultranova And because removing something twice is impossible, the game crashes. Got it.

        RedAndCosmoteer I'll try and work out how that can be fixed.

        Guess it's time to invade Kroom's DMs

          Well, I'm running it with ABH and it crashes.

          What did I do wrong?

            RedAndCosmoteer Well, because it removed something, ABH uses graphics from it, so it can't use it!

            Just delete that part from the mod.txt, it's not like you're going to use it out of the other 300 400 500 600 parts ABH has


            "Windows are structural weaknesses. Geth do not use them."


            Changed the quote to the correct one

            Ultranova does this replace the roofs or add new parts with no windows? I would still like to use the windowed rooms since windows can add a good sense of depth or detail in certain areas.

              kieffer5101 Replace, I can't make it add parts because it's near impossible to maintain, as I found out...

              However, I could technically do a trick and find another way to do it...

              Ultranova Weapons Extension where?

                RedAndCosmoteer Coming soon >:[

                  a month later
                  20 days later

                  Does this affect parts from other mods?

                    Tellitubbi No, but if it did, I'd ask for a nickle from other modders for it.

                      Is there a way to keep the original roof sprites of some parts, such as control rooms and sensors?

                      I only really want this to get rid of the crew bunk/quarters' windows.

                        Tellitubbi You can go to the mod.txt and manually remove what you don't want

                        11 days later

                        0.14.15 U P D A T E W H E R E I S I T

                          FORTREZZER It doesn't need an update since it's still compatible with 0.14.15


                            SoundRAGE THATS ME LMAO