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This is the first mod I've created and it adds more roof decals for the player to use on their ships.

Just to let everyone know decals at this point in time can only be white and black. (you can still change the color in game) If you have a colored image you would like turned into a decal most likely it will be white and black. (again you can change the color in game but mainly, only the white color will change) If you don't mind the decals be in grayscale and only being able to be used from the "Decals Low" category or white and black feel free to continue sending me your suggestions. Image suggestions must be larger than 64x64 pixels other wise the game will not accept them, decals can be any size as long as it's a multiple of 64.

Decals in theses packs may be removed or moved to another pack without warning.

Good morning afternoon or evening to all who read this. Please do not use any of these decals in another decal mod with out first contacting me and asking if it's ok. Most like I will say yes, but first PLEASE ask and leave a link to this mod in your form post. Thank you and have a good day or night.

Decalmores All Pack v0.1.0
Update 0.1.0 now with 81 decals.
This pack includes all roof decals and roof textures from all other packs for the player to easily download and use.

Decalmores Arrow Theme Pack v0.1.0
Update 0.1.0 now with 13 decals.

Decalmores Babylon 5 Theme Pack v0.1.0
Update 0.1.0 now with 12 decals.

Decalmores Earth Theme Pack v0.1.0
Update 0.1.0 now with 22 decals.

Decalmores Games Theme Pack v0.1.0
Update 0.1.0 now with 12 decals.

Decalmores Misc Theme Pack v0.1.0
Update 0.1.0 now with 14 decals.

Decalmores Pirates Theme Pack v0.1.1
Update 0.1.1 now with 9 decals.

Declamores Roof Textures Pack v0.1.0
Update 0.1.0 now with 1 texture.

To explain why for now you can only use colored decals from the "Decals Low" category.


As you can see "Decals High" will show up darker than "Decals Low" and sometimes will have none of the details from the original image, thank you for your time and have nice day or night.

Put a nasa logo 😉

Fulminis Is there any other decals you would like added?

Eckarth Can I have a 2 x 2 decal of 'Saturn-like planet'?
That would be Lovely!

Eckarth I don't really know.. maybe some memes? lol



The Cosmoteer icon logo? ;3


Blast3dB3nny YEEESSHHH

    Blast3dB3nny What do you mean by "FIRE!"

      Eckarth I quess "FIRE!" is mean fire lookin decals, like those used on some racing cars(racing without rules? i know almost nothing 'bout this)
      Like this:


      A cool futuristic font maybe?


        How 'bout a hex 2 x 2 hex shield? W
        Kinda like this,


        Fish Done!

        Eckarth what about snake ? like take whole snake and turn it into segments like turns, head, tail, and straight parts that could be cool couldnt it ?? 😃

        Fossils and Dinosaurs and Hex Patterns, and If you can do textures maybe wood?

        Can you do a 2x2 and 4x4 (if possible) decal of this:


        Deathpuff12 I assume you want it for your ship, ok I will put it in.

          roman123 As I've said I will try my best this is all kind of new to me so something like this may take awhile, but I will get it in the mod ASAP.