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Following @Equalizer's discussion on Missile compartment/crew usage, I built ships with excessive amounts of crew in missile compartments to stave off the pre-usage problem (accepting a massive worker/hull volume efficiency hit for marginal increase in survivability and surface area utilization)

Yet the idle workers simply ignore the out-of power shield generator.

That's not the weirdest thing... On the other side of the ship, literally mirrored copy of the same component

We have happy hardworking crew and fully supplied missile/shield systems.

I uh, yeah.

(pls walt halp)

newageofpower I agree, crew can sometimes be silly.

Well, yes, the crew is a bit off sometimes but from the pictures above... part of the problem are missing doors that would have offered alternative (shorter) paths. the crew might have chosen to move more often.

    7 days later

    i think the game decides how many crew is needed for a certain job. and i also think its random.

      hope this isnt necroposting.

        Bevan Nah, necroposting is 1 month or more


        So... Post Revivifying?

          @newageofpower The reason for this was because the shield generator only needed three more energy cells to be fully powered, if you look closely it already had most of the slots filled with cells.
          so three crew members were on their way into the reactor to get the remaining needed energy cells, that's why the crew was inactive.

            Nicholas That's not my point. My point is the component is unable to keep it's shields up while continuously firing missiles, whereas the same exact copy of the component, simply mirrored on the other side of my ship, is able to do so.

            What you're saying is irrelevant.

              newageofpower The reason that the shield isn't being powered is that the crew that are assigned to get power for the shield are reassigned to get power for the missile factories once they are near the reactor.

              Also because there originally were crew assigned to get power for the shield the other crew do not get assigned to get power for it.

              The reason some of the modules appear to be working fine is that for this problem to occur it requires the timing of the crew getting power for the shield arriving at the reactor to line up with when the factories need power. Whether this happens or not is basically random but if you have enough modules at least one of them is likely to fail in this way.



                All my modules on the left side have a unused crew (usually over a full compartment!) and shields do not self-sustain, many of them even depleting. EDIT: All left side shield generators deplete every so often, I just didn't make a longer gif as this 37 second snippet is already an outrageous 160MB and took >5 minutes to process.

                All the (identical) modules on the right side have near full crew utilization (after ten or so seconds at 4x) and have shields sustained, do not deplete.

                  newageofpower The discrepancy between left and right is probably due to the idle crew being at the very back on the left where as they are near the front on the right.

                  I suspect that this difference is due to how the weapon operators are drawn from a compartments crew quarters.

                  I don't know why more appear to be drawn from the back quarters on the right side than the left though.

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