RedAndCosmoteer also dont think we can get banned for throwing loose and meaningless Insults that any sane person with a Pulse can get is a joke, go back to wherever you came from
you return his dark luck but it doubles your dark luck
Jared Smacks your coffee out of your hands, burning yours skin (If it isn't cold brew that is)
Brank Ha jokes on you its water
RedAndCosmoteer I mean if that rule applies to sarcasm im pretty sure most people would be banned.
darkgalaxy30 when your in a discussion and try to look smart but no one understands what your saying
dafeeeeeeeeeesh im bad grammar......
Jared nice joke X]
Jared stop attackonizing me
Brank StOp ATTaCkONiZINg mE no u
cuz your bad guy in this forum
darkgalaxy30 No u Jared darkgalaxy30 no they dont because they only have 1 brain cell, unlike you, with a grand total of 2
shut up hope someone lock you in bad behavior
darkgalaxy30 XD Pleas tell me your not taking this seriusly
Ok guys, let's all take a deep breath and calm down.
Ultranova i cant i kept raging up
darkgalaxy30 It's not that you can't, it's that you don't want to try. If you're getting rage, then log off and come back later.
Ultranova talk about that rude guy @Brank (at least music calms me down slowly)