boombox Some flamethrowers stick out of the ceiling of the room and instantly start fireing at the intruders. The fire doesn't seem too hot, but would easily burn through any skin. The short glimpse the soldiers caught showed several desks, some screens at the opposite wall, more labcoats hanging on a wall, some form of scanning room and a barrier in front of the staircase, likely due to the intruder alert.
Quarantine "Accessing list..
'Unknown entity 001': Seemingly called 'The Immortal' by the old species; Origin unknown; Estimated threat level: 'godslayer' or above; Known weaknesses: none; Estimated weaknesses: autonomous mechanical combat units, space combat; Assumed to be the cause of the extermination of all old life; Prefers usage of psychic powers and gene manipulation; Seemingly hyper intelligent; Chances of survival: based on the current data, the chances of surviving a direct confrontation equal zero.
'Black wolves': Assumed to be created by 001; Seemingly capable of independend acts; Highly infective teeth; Enormous healing abilities; Estimated threat level: 'deadly' to 'extremely deadly'; Known weaknesses: fire, extremely strong acids; Usually appear in packs; Attacks using it's long claws and sharp teeth; Chances of survival: surviving the attack of a single wolve without proper armor and fire/acid weaponry is highly unlikely.
'Infected plants': Infected with the black wolve virus; Tend to dissolve into virus spores when damaged; Contact is likely to cause infection; Estimated thread level: 'higly dangerous' to 'deadly'; Known weaknesses: fire, strong winds (spores); Cover almost the entire landmass; Problems surviving without water, air and dirt; Chances of survival: survival after contact is higly unlikely, they are not aggressive.
'Defensive turrets' (old species): Remnants of the extinct civilisation; Usually equipped with shields; ...."
The screen switches with every new entry, still using the unknown language. The list continues with many more entries...
(You hopefully don't mind me stopping after the most important ones? I'd be willing to add entries whenever you find a new listed threat tho.)