Roasted And now we are back at the biggest issue...
It looks good so far and you even avoided turret spam. However, the four fighter pads won't do you anything in combat and the ship will certainly have issues dealing with dedicated warships the same size (turret spam/armor blocks/shield walls).
It also appears to lack thrust, those few thruster installments in the center are rather unlikely to be able to move the entire thing properly.
The tip surely lacks the shielding necessary to withstand an alpha strike from an enemy and I see no reason to shield the center of your ship that heavily, it holds nothing important and is unlikely to get hit anyway.
Also avoid lining the outer hull of your ship with weapons, those tend to get blasted rather quick in comparisation to weapon arrays closer to the center.
---> Consider creating weapon arrays rather than lines and make each of them self-sufficient (safe for CRs, that would be over the top); use the remaining free space arount the center to add more thrusters; always make sure the defenses are good enough compared to the firepower of your ship
damkiller Good to have you back, it's kinda difficult to deal with 0.15 designs when staying on the lower versions for now.
botlawson Commencing tests if it's pre-0.15, you'll have to wait for someone else if it's not.