Mojowuq9 (trancendus in a scenario where tyranus had god souls would not be as powerful as tyranus and even if he was as powerful as tyranus tyranus has 100 years of prep time and he can warp time this would allow him to make equipment far greater than trancendus and if you made a new mind for him keep in mind tyranus out maneuvered almost everyone he comes across and before you say ohh thats an op character he is ment to be op after his story is done because its done and he is just observing the galaxy)
dafeeeeeeeeeesh (Oh, he's OP as hell. Like a complete douche, it can assumed Transcendus also has the combined knowledge of all previous versions. Also, the Imperium of Cans is technically on Tyranus's side. If Trancendus is created, they'll have to reset the timeline again.)
Mojowuq9 (oh my god.... tyranus in this scenario is a 4th dimensional being who can create weapons that are able to destroy 5th dimensional beings that has all the knowledge of the universe 100 years of planing (and he can make it as long as he needs) and is smarter then the normal tyranus and by smarter i mean he can plan better and stuff like that and i get it trancendus is ment to be able to surpass tyranus and is ment for it but it doesint matter in this timeline because your not fighting tyranus your fighting a 4th dimensional god with 5 minds and weapons capable of wiping out multiple time lines)
dafeeeeeeeeeesh (And I can't call him OP?)
Mojowuq9 (yes you can call that version of tyranus op he is ment to be op in this timeline you fail and he obtains godlike power the normal version of tyranus is nothing to him)
dafeeeeeeeeeesh (Ah, alright. At this point, there is literally no way for me to win, so I'll just stop participating as soon as he kills those Gods.)
Mojowuq9 (you can still stop him at this point.... if you get into a battle with him again youll also get the help of the guardians and together they are pretty capable as you have all of the ones that are alive at least at your command)
Mojowuq9 (yeah but you never called them in and im not talking about the guardian im talking about the guardains the explorer, the wish granting boi, camilea, michel, and the guardian the team was named after him since he was the first one)
dafeeeeeeeeeesh (Damnit.....well, none of my factions are in any state to fight, so...yeah.)
Mojowuq9 (you would only have to send a small amount of ships and them to deal a large blow to tyranus they where my contingency plan just in case you used everything you had on a suicide mission)
dafeeeeeeeeeesh (They DID send everything for a suicide mission. The Imperium of Cans has basically nothing left in an actual military, the CRCKI is now at a population of about 400,000, half the NCR is dead, and the Phalli Co. lost half his soul.)
Mojowuq9 (ok so heres what you got you can regrow emily use the guardians and use your half dead factions maybe it would be good if you called in for one of your allies?)
dafeeeeeeeeeesh (The Bureau is gone. Literally, and they're the only significant threat we're allied with.)
Mojowuq9 (you have the alliance dont you? its not much but its something.)
dafeeeeeeeeeesh (I think, but I'm not sure it will be enough. that's if they'll even help. Killing Gods? Not like it concerns them? A race's population is more then halved? Maybe.)
Mojowuq9 (it wont be as hard as you think dont get me wrong it will be hard but ive been planing this for almost as long as ive been on the forum i have contingency plans for the contingency plans)
dafeeeeeeeeeesh (No, seriously, my factions cannot do it, and above that, the CR will probably attack my other factions if they reveal their current states, destroying them.)
dafeeeeeeeeeesh (gtg for now)
Mojowuq9 (contingency plan for the contingency plan for the contingency plan but being frank i can have tyranus attack the CR then you have extra ships and you only have to do a very small portion of the work ill even give you a plan for it hit tyranus with a full force attack if you dont kill him in it retreat for repairs come back then try to stall him)
Mojowuq9 (ok)
dafeeeeeeeeeesh (What reason does Tyranus have to attack the CR?)