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zergRush99 "Emperor? We are not an uncivilized dictatorship like you. So be it. I want to tell you something. We have installed advanced tracking tech that can detect the velocity of the warp jump and detect roughly the amount of distance and we know what direction so we know what sector your hiding in and we have sent out multiple Umojan forces to look for you so not telling us is completely unnecessary.
(umojan ships):


    KrankysFirebrand48 "hahahahaha" laughed the creature spitting more blood on the floor "You idiot! they will all die!" he contuied to laugh "You think that we are dont know that? Good luck finiding out which ship it was, when you will see hundereds of Ftl signuters around the galaxy....your tactic is false!" the creature came closer to the cells bars and holded it with his big Claws "And for your question, why did we attacked you? well just for the hack of it!" he laughed again spitting blood over the officer again.

      The officer starts laughing to. "Your the idiot as it is based on visual and the range is limited so we would only see there signatures but you tiny brain is of course to small to understand that and attacking us for fun is obviously a mistake because you lost your entire fleet!"

        KrankysFirebrand48 "Fleet? is that what you call a fleet? hahaha We didnt lost even one Bc! and defently our BC cost us nothing! And if I were you, I wouldnt try to find the ships, this will be a waist of your time"


          KrankysFirebrand48 A missile volley fired by the liberators and the Battlecruiser destroy the corvettes while two BS's on the side deal with respective BC's side thrusters enabling them to turn and face them with the yamato cannon. Hundreds of wraith luanch and protect against any fighters and the Glorious fires both it's yamato cannons and it's armagedon guns to obliterate the back thrusters of the gun while the the last battle cruisers take down it's side thrusters while taking damage from the battlecruiser at the "front" of the defensive perimeter (between the other two)

          (I'm quite sure that cripples more then one BC and i'd say 3 BC 2 corvettes a massive gun and a bunch of fighters plus boarding torpedoes counts as a fleet)

            KrankysFirebrand48 the bcs and the gun warped away....and not for them, this was a raiding party...for them fleets are just a huge amount of ships, like idk 15 BC and stuff like that, their ships are cheap, exsept the gun.

              (U have to turn to warp into a direction only one would have been in the right direction the ships side thrusters where NON-EXISTENCE so how did u expect to warp)

                KrankysFirebrand48 (they dont use their thrusters...they use FTL drives)

                  zergRush99 (They weren't facing the jump point and needs to turn to do so and if you don't have any side thrusters you can't turn)

                  zergRush99 (Because then the'll warp somewhere random and space is big without advanced tech u could easily get lost.)

                    5 days later

                    Not far from the Terran main base, the loki space station, the defensive rocket batterys detect cloaked hostile craft!


                    They immediatly open fire upon the interlopers, but the shock-rays leading this assault were designed specifically to deal with them: their close-in defense systems let only a few missiles slip by, and their EMP torpedoes quickly lock down the station's sensors, detectors, and some anti-air defenses as well. Pirated versions of terran banshees swoop in, the giant cannons that replaced their missile pods supressing the station's defenders, following them a swarm of assault boats, carrying the pirate's elite Brusher brigade. While the missile turrets came back online just in time to shoot down some of the small attacking craft, enough manage to carry the brigade to their destination aboard the station: the terran ghost academy. They skim the inside of the building, skipping over nuclear missiles and fighting off terran ghosts, until they managed to get their hands on their cloaking devices. They scanned it with the blueprinter, and were ready to leave with their shiny new personal cloaking tech, before one squad managed to find something quite interesting on one of the computers: something called the "Nova project". The terran reinforcements began arriving, complete with way more ghosts than any base has any buisness housing, and firebats intent on having steamed crab tonight, so they decided to take any files they could about the project, tear out the monitors themselves, and haul all of their loot to the awating assault boats, before the entire fleet turned back on their banshee-inspired cloaking devices and making a run for it.

                    zergRush99 (Well look at that the event is still going)

                      zergRush99 Two battlecruisers and a large amount of liberators warp in close to the fleeing fleet. Vikings launch at high speeds out of the hangars. But something’s odd. Only the smaller craft and Point Defences are firing. And they are focusing on the assault boats while jamming so they can’t send over the blue prints. The assault boats are obliterated but the rest of the fleet is not even damaged

                        KrankysFirebrand48 after the assault boats got recked all of the fleet warped out... Ferther investigation showed that, the known gadget that goes by the name of Blueprinter wasnt found....

                        On the "abyssal rift"
                        C: "We got the Blueprints"
                        M: "G'haha, good, now we can contiue with our plan... You know what to do"
                        C: "we lost a lot of our people"
                        M: "Thats ok.... Their were disposable"

                        zergRush99 (The Alliance will never forget what you stole from them.)

                          zergRush99 (If these guys try to raid one of my Ecumenopoli I will go full xenocide)

                          zergRush99 ( wait. Who’s C and M?)