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// transmission start //
“Prepare to be suprized, pirate scum”
// transmission end //

A squadron of banshees uncloak behind the large gun and fire a volley of missiles at it. Meanwhile a Terran fleet of three battlecruisers form an offensive formation with liberator at a the front out of range

KrankysFirebrand48 (is it ok if I will do the battels in game?)

    zergRush99 (Well my ships aren’t designed for combat efficiency but fictional accuracy and looks and won’t fair well against those ships of yours plus I can’t use my tactical genius brain to change the atcome plus plus a bunch of my ships are in a event and I don’t want to lose my tiny fleet so
    N O (sry) but u can use the game for cinematic pictures.

    Ps I just got my flagship I’m not ready to lose is

    KrankysFirebrand48 (oh, thats actually makes me easyier to do, if you want my ships are not as strong as you think, they are pritty shitty.... But will do the battle in 8 hours or so from now... As Im going to sleep. But Im happy you wanted to do this random event 😎)

    dafeeeeeeeeeesh I didn’t design the shape but all of the systems to be accurate to SC lore and preserve the shape


      Awww. I'd much rather let the game resolve fleet combat, instead of having to imagine how it plays out. Oh well. Know the failings of roleplay based combat (of which there are many), and accept whatever outcome that entails.

        DoctorPepper I’d rather not my tiny fleet which I have precerved and worked so hard for not be obliterated in one swoop and ruin my role play experience in all eternity And what’s the meaning of lore and strategy if it only comes down to how many ships u have and how OP they are

          Ah! Good on your sharp head for understanding that. For that reason, long ago, people matched their fleets based on how much they cost, and what mods they used. Style is a given, but function is admirable! However, thrice damned "lore" got in the way of this beautiful system. And so people resorted to the tried and true system of combat through roleplay without framework, which is, per your honorable request, what we'll be doing. I think.

            DoctorPepper Yeah, but there's a thing called creative freedom that made lore battles a thing...

            Also, the lore you damned thrice is actually useful in explaining how your faction came to be if you actually used your head to realize that

            KrankysFirebrand48 As the banshees shot their missiles, Ep missiles from the enemy gun, hit the banshees, they were disable, with that in mind one of the pirats corvets came from behind making a quick work of the benshees.



            "Get ya asses destroyed! Pink skin!" shouted the commander of the corvet.

            transmission strated\
            "Give us your best ship! or be destroyed pinkskin!"
            trnasmission ended\

              // Transmission start //
              “If you want our best ship, come and get it.”
              // Transmission End //

              Seven squadrons of wraiths and vickings fly at top speed toward the large gun

              KrankysFirebrand48 then 14 squadrons right?

                zergRush99 (yea, each squadron consists of roughly ten ship)

                  KrankysFirebrand48 as the squadrons came closer to the gun, they saw the pirate's counter attack, 2 Battlecrusier like warships blocked their path.


                  "Launch the fighters!!!" shouted the commanders of the raider scum, and a cloud of tiny fighters began exiting the warships' bays and creating a wall of scrap metal. "Attack!" shouted the commander and the swarm charged into the host of wraiths and vikings.


                  the battle was messy, huge losses on both sides, the wreckage of small vesels crashing against the shields of larger ones. Chaotic radio chatter reverberated through both fleets. The larger ships were well protected with shields and point defense systems, and weren't affected much by the engagement. Then, the Terran squadron saw the pirated battlecruiser's spruced up super weapon!
                  Commader of one of the warships: "fire the doom cannons! now!".
                  pilot: "We will hit our fighters too!"
                  Commander:"Genius! What makes you think so?"
                  And shortly thereafter, as the massive blast doors at the front of the battlecruiser receded, the terrans got to see the triple-linked yamato that would be their DOOM!



                  The pirate's gigantic cannon finally managed to align itself with one of terrans' battlecruisers, likely thanks to the banshees blasting off its main engine block. The pirate admiral whined: "Gyarh! What took you so long!? I want to see one of their ships crippled already! What do you mean we're out of range?! THe bullet isn't going to just vanish! Fire you Nitwit! FIRE!!!"
                  The Cannon's shaft began glowing under the strain of the firing procedure, and as the structure creeked and groaned, the muzzle expelled the projctile with a thunderous roar! As the projctile reached the terran battlecruisers, it exploded with enough force to send out a gravitational wave, which briefly lensed the light in the region, obscuring the damage it has brought upon the defenders...



                  zergRush99 (no not so fast)


                  Before the bullet hits the battlecruiser it uses close range warp (u ain’t got those) to avoid the blast. Meanwhile the two BC on the side star flanking on respective sides (with close range warp charged.

                  (Y u get shields)

                  Edit: (Yamato cannons shot plasma not bullets and has an actual range

                  zergRush99 triple-linked yamato

                  Also, Krankys is right, the Yamato cannon doesn't fire a BULLET, it fires a lengthy beam of plasma that can shred like anything. It also has a range...

                    I don't believe we intended the giant gun to be a Yamato cannon too. We already have the ridiculously impractical doom cannons, and the pirated battle cruisers are all the StarCraft references we intended. I could try and come up with a more practical description for the flying cannon if you want me to.