- Edited
This is the second major terran colony. It was established by admiral Effhu to whipe out any potential threats to the Terrans in the Koprulu sector.
Enemies include hostile Protoss, Zerg and any faction who threaten us or any peacefull factions.
Allies: Ossoonian Empire
Base: Loki space station and the moon of Agysub
Fleet: The second colony has only one fleet with two groups. The fleet never divides itself exept when it attacks where the majority of the fleet (group 1) Attacks while the second group guards the base.
amount: 1000
space superiority fighter. Exellent att anti-fighter support.
amount: 600
space superiority can take down both capital ships and fighters fairly easy
amount: 190
anti ground but can also fire at air units. Has cloaking tech (in lore not in game)
amount: 350
Can do a bit of everything
amount: 200
Heals ground units but can't do much in the air
Minotaur-class battlecruiser
Amount: 10
Plenty off point defence to kill those pesky fighters (not actually point defence in game) and a yamato cannon
"The Glorious"
amount: 1
Plasma weaponary which is extra effective against flesh but can do serious damage to standard armored ship. It also carries a large arsenal of missiles but the scariest thing about it is it's two yamato cannons and two armagedon guns which can obliterate anything smaller than the ship itself.
No mods as in you are not allowed to do battles in the game itself with modded ships but if the battles are happening in the forum itself with text it’s ok because then the OP:nes of the mods don’t come into play
No super weapons
No OP stuff (that includes unkillable beings)
sry 4 spelling. Autocorrect is not working properly.