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This is the second major terran colony. It was established by admiral Effhu to whipe out any potential threats to the Terrans in the Koprulu sector.
Enemies include hostile Protoss, Zerg and any faction who threaten us or any peacefull factions.
Allies: Ossoonian Empire

Base: Loki space station and the moon of Agysub

Fleet: The second colony has only one fleet with two groups. The fleet never divides itself exept when it attacks where the majority of the fleet (group 1) Attacks while the second group guards the base.

amount: 1000
space superiority fighter. Exellent att anti-fighter support.

amount: 600
space superiority can take down both capital ships and fighters fairly easy

amount: 190
anti ground but can also fire at air units. Has cloaking tech (in lore not in game)

amount: 350
Can do a bit of everything

amount: 200
Heals ground units but can't do much in the air

Minotaur-class battlecruiser
Amount: 10
Plenty off point defence to kill those pesky fighters (not actually point defence in game) and a yamato cannon

"The Glorious"
amount: 1
Plasma weaponary which is extra effective against flesh but can do serious damage to standard armored ship. It also carries a large arsenal of missiles but the scariest thing about it is it's two yamato cannons and two armagedon guns which can obliterate anything smaller than the ship itself.

No mods as in you are not allowed to do battles in the game itself with modded ships but if the battles are happening in the forum itself with text it’s ok because then the OP:nes of the mods don’t come into play
No super weapons
No OP stuff (that includes unkillable beings)

sry 4 spelling. Autocorrect is not working properly.

wait so are those rules for making a ship for the terran colony or rules for RP?

    9 days later

    That's telling people their ships are wrong. If people wanna do an ingame battle, they can use mods if that is the stuff their ships use.

      Brank if they do in battle in-game against my ships they will probably reck my ship just because they dicided they wanted to use mods and that’s not really fair+if I want to do an in-game battle with there ship I can’t cuz my computer ain’t got space 4 it

        6 days later
        2 months later

        A large fleet of rusty ships with pirate markings (what else could a jolly roger wearing an eye patch stand for?) Was nearing the moon of Agysub. Some of their ships were based on Terran battle cruisers, and the pirates were curious as to how well they will manage against their original counterparts. Regardless of that, they also brought along the largest gun they could muster, after all, their enemies were strong, and would not take kindly to being sacked.
        (If you do or don't want to do this event, do let us know)

          // transmission start //
          “Prepare to be suprized, pirate scum”
          // transmission end //

          A squadron of banshees uncloak behind the large gun and fire a volley of missiles at it. Meanwhile a Terran fleet of three battlecruisers form an offensive formation with liberator at a the front out of range

          KrankysFirebrand48 (is it ok if I will do the battels in game?)

            zergRush99 (Well my ships aren’t designed for combat efficiency but fictional accuracy and looks and won’t fair well against those ships of yours plus I can’t use my tactical genius brain to change the atcome plus plus a bunch of my ships are in a event and I don’t want to lose my tiny fleet so
            N O (sry) but u can use the game for cinematic pictures.

            Ps I just got my flagship I’m not ready to lose is

            KrankysFirebrand48 (oh, thats actually makes me easyier to do, if you want my ships are not as strong as you think, they are pritty shitty.... But will do the battle in 8 hours or so from now... As Im going to sleep. But Im happy you wanted to do this random event 😎)

            dafeeeeeeeeeesh I didn’t design the shape but all of the systems to be accurate to SC lore and preserve the shape


              Awww. I'd much rather let the game resolve fleet combat, instead of having to imagine how it plays out. Oh well. Know the failings of roleplay based combat (of which there are many), and accept whatever outcome that entails.

                DoctorPepper I’d rather not my tiny fleet which I have precerved and worked so hard for not be obliterated in one swoop and ruin my role play experience in all eternity And what’s the meaning of lore and strategy if it only comes down to how many ships u have and how OP they are

                  Ah! Good on your sharp head for understanding that. For that reason, long ago, people matched their fleets based on how much they cost, and what mods they used. Style is a given, but function is admirable! However, thrice damned "lore" got in the way of this beautiful system. And so people resorted to the tried and true system of combat through roleplay without framework, which is, per your honorable request, what we'll be doing. I think.

                    DoctorPepper Yeah, but there's a thing called creative freedom that made lore battles a thing...

                    Also, the lore you damned thrice is actually useful in explaining how your faction came to be if you actually used your head to realize that

                    KrankysFirebrand48 As the banshees shot their missiles, Ep missiles from the enemy gun, hit the banshees, they were disable, with that in mind one of the pirats corvets came from behind making a quick work of the benshees.



                    "Get ya asses destroyed! Pink skin!" shouted the commander of the corvet.

                    transmission strated\
                    "Give us your best ship! or be destroyed pinkskin!"
                    trnasmission ended\