Don't know what more to do with this so here it is in its "finished" version
made some more UNSC stuff ↓Hornet↓ and not my best work but also made the ↓Wasp↓ from halo 5
TheSwedishToamto The aggressors are so tiny!
dodo_bear Might make some bigger ones later incase someone want to use them without mods
TheSwedishToamto Okay. I would be happy to try.
Got bored and made some more things tried making the ↓Enforcer↓ from halo also made some things for one of my dead factions ↓VC-Station↓ ↓VCS-Guard↓ and this thing ↓Enforcer↓
TheSwedishToamto I shall accept the challenge of the aggresor offenseve refit. EDIT: Also, this thing Mayby name it the Plague?
Please add this in.
Super_Mapper He only does vanilla shapes.
Roasted O O F
Cant drag them into my game because they are not ship files.
ONI There isnt a "." between the name and ship.png
Roasted the files didnt even have .ship attached to them in the end. I fixed it though
TheSwedishToamto sorry that it took so long, but here are the aggressors I'm currently working on the plague Edit: if you want the aggressors to have a chance at fighting, download tte armory and place the 1x1 ram wedge in front
TheSwedishToamto and here's the plague (aggressors use kroom's forge) (plague uses kroom's forge and abh) Edit: i could try and make the lagues weapons more subtile.
Planning to uppload some more hulls that I've made on my free time, might take some requests tho it does depend on what ship I am being asked to make ↓Eye of Anubis↓(needs huge ships mod) I'll start with this one but there are more to come
Got some more stuff here ↓VC-Fighter↓ ↓VC-SDefence↓ ↓VC-Orion↓(needs huge ships mod) ↓Verag Battleship↓(needs huge ships mod) ↓¨Verag Beamer↓ ↓Verag Cruiser↓
Got 3 WIP ships that I'm gonna give you a sneak peek on ↓(needs huge ships mod)↓ ↓(needs huge ships mod)↓ ↓(needs huge ships mod, recommended grid 1000x1000)↓
Nothing big this time just a single tiny ship ↓Verag fighter↓
Whenever I saw the VC-Station I knew I had to it. (Sry if this is necroposting)