TheSwedishToamto Thats fine, i got all the time to wait, and after all (i asume irl things) irl things are sometimes just more important~
Help a ship hull in need
The_Bloodnaught got you that smaller Jupter now this time it is 205 blocks long
TheSwedishToamto Oh damn, didnt think i would be getting it today already! but thanks, it looks great man! going to start workin on it and make it functional c:
The_Bloodnaught I got bored of doing nothing and decided to build it for you
What have I done? I don't know something and here they are
Been busy for some time, but its far from finished... some good progress tho~
(using a couple of mods like TTE and Krooms decals for more options on painting it~)
The_Bloodnaught its looking real nice so far
KrankysFirebrand48 let there be ships. I give to you Phoenix and Raven
is there anyone that would like to make a request?
Can I get something that looks like a Revelation Space Ligthugger, as well as some other cruiser and battleship range hulls?
LeftHandofGod how big would you like the Revelation Space Lighthugger, and is there any special theme that you would like the cruiser and battleship to have?
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The Lighthugger should be a dreadnought grade warship, on the order of something about this big, or little bit bigger.
Can I get the others with armor additions? Kinda like this.
and this
I'll get to work then
i have done some work on the battleship here is a sneak peak
Not done with it, and i am probably going to change the armor additions on the sides
same thing as when i posted the fighter i made the carrier although it can only have 1 fighter (because i didint want to make it gaint)
RIP this thread
KrankysFirebrand48 first of all, thats a necropost
Second, @TheSwedishToamto can i take that Phoenix of your hands? TheSwedishToamto
SnowDoggo that’s a what?
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KrankysFirebrand48 read rule 15 from the rules thread
SnowDoggo oh sorry