((Thank you CaptainRedstone for the inspiration to make this))
Hmm, this is getting a bit too long
IVIemories Meme threads are like the hydra, you kill one thread (or head) and a stronger one grows back.
IVIemories Catelyn moderators trying to lock meme threads colorized
When the tournament suddenly pairs you up against the champion from the previous tournament
Man it hurts to be this meta.
G4L4XY weres the guy who uses 27 mods
dafeeeeeeeeeesh oh yes, i forgot about him
Cube_2 hey, you stole that from me!
Cube_2 Please remove it
Cube_2 Thanks 👌
Don't worry buddy, I don't hold grudges
What about this old gem?
what? i didn't screenshot my old post and add a 35th like to it!
G4L4XY Dislike button where
G4L4XY I'm not clicking on that boy
Ultranova oof
Generation 3 hype ikr
G4L4XY Well played
stable contact joint