Kontra WHAT IS THIS ?!
Kontra This is what I wanted to make.
Can't wait for a download
Thinking of adding an overheat doodad to every part, but that's pushing it. (Overheat doodad is seen at the right. That blue par thing.)
REEEE! My mod is hitting an impasse. But we must prevail!
Link to download pleace.
i would like more to this mod
@dafeeeeeeeeeesh That's not spam
yobeefjerky i thought necroposts counted as spam
dafeeeeeeeeeesh Necroposts are their own thing, so no.
are you still working on the mod?
ASC_Speedy_Walker i would suggest that you were to read the last posted dated date and the rules as this is necroposting However i would say it is safe to assume this mod has been long dead and wont be seeing updates
This mod hasn't been touched in a whole year. Why would it still be being worked on?