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  • Ship Designs
  • "Reloading Gun" Ship Designs (Ships that are big guns)

So I've been messing around with a pretty silly but fun concept, which is ships that function as one big gun. Its hard to explain so I'll just post the designs and then describe how to utilize them.
Slug Launcher- fires heavy explosive slugs, short distance and can sometimes jam.
Mine Sprayer- fires low explosive mines, high coverage and long distance.
Swarm Caster- fires small craft rounds to lay an ambush swarm.

With the Slug Launcher you must:
1st "anchor" the craft by selecting a spot to move to.
2nd select and self destruct each segment of structure.
3rd set thrusters on "loader ship" to auto-thrust.
4th wait for ammunition to fully load and then set ion lasers to auto-fire.
5th wait for ammunition to fully load once more than set rail launcher to auto-fire.
6th self destruct fired rounds when near enemy craft/s.

The Mine Sprayer is a lot easier to use.
1st "anchor" ship.
2nd select mines and self destruct them.
3rd set thrusters on "loader ship" to auto-fire.
4th wait for ammunition to fully load.
5th set railgun launchers to auto fire.
6th lay mines to ambush enemy.
7th self destruct mines when close to enemy craft.

The Swarm Caster is much like the other two designs, except once all the "ammo" has been fired you must select all the swarm crafts and command them to attack the enemy ship. Here are some photos.

I hope you liked the designs, try running them at x2 or x4 speed if you wanna see them in rapid fire mode. If any ones built things similar to these ships please share your design as I'm interested in seeing what people have come up with.

Cosmic_Horror nice!but i think you can make your reload clip more smooth (example)


i made a torpedo launcher with kind of diffrent mechanic


how to use-
1: detonate the explosive charge (recommed only detonate a layer a time)(press 1or2)
2: auto fire the side ion (press 1or2)
3: select the torpedoes and target it at the ship you wants to attack
4: auto fire the foward facing ion(press 3)

CATMASTER you're probably right but I like the shape of the "slugs" to much to want to change them, and the mechanism works pretty well already. Also that torpedo launcher is pretty sweet I like it!

Edit: Curious why you chose an ion laser to "launch" your torpedos. Why not a small railgun?

    Cosmic_Horror there was a mod meant just for this, it had a ionbeam with a super high impulse, mod is called superweapon starter kit. Probaly out of date though

    kieffer5101 sounds like a pretty cool mod, part of the fun though is trying to figure out how to build something like this in vanilla. I do want to launch things at crazy high speeds though so a mod would probably be helpful with that.

    Cosmic_Horror its full vanilla, and the reson i choose ion is that the torpedoes are behind the center of the ship it self,and since anti collision happens,it will try to get away from the ship by going backward.but it does not have backward thrust,so it will stay at where they are.(aka thos two stick coming out is useful)

      CATMASTER oh i forgot to say,the ion push the torpedoes in front of the center of the ship,so after the torpedo is pushed its thrust will activate

        CATMASTER Interesting I'll have to try your design out when I get back home, I was wondering why you had those two big sticks haha. Thanks for sharing Mr Cat!

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