- Edited
This mod adds several parts used mainly to make small ships.
Version 1.0.9 for Cosmoteer 0.15.11+ (Mediafire)
Version 1.0.9 for Cosmoteer 0.15.11+ (MEGA)
Version 1.0.8b for Cosmoteer 0.15.7 - 0.15.10 (Mediafire)
Version 1.0.8b for Cosmoteer 0.15.7 - 0.15.10 (MEGA)
Version 1.0.7 for Cosmoteer 0.15.3 - 0.15.6
Version 1.0.6 for Cosmoteer 0.15.0 - 0.15.1
Version 1.0.5 for Cosmoteer 0.14.10 - 0.14.15
Version 1.0.4 for Cosmoteer 0.14.8
Version 1.0.3 for Cosmoteer 0.14.7
Version 1.0.2 for Cosmoteer 0.14.6
Version 1.0.1 for Cosmoteer 0.14.4
Version 1.0.0 for Cosmoteer 0.14.4
DECAL PACK (this mod MAY not work with other mods that add decals):
Download (light version)
SHIP LIBRARY AND BOUNTY HUNTER SHIPS (Needs the Normal Armor Expanded mod):
This update fixes some bugs, do balance changes and adds support for Cosmoteer 0.15.11.
Bugs correction:
- Fixed penetration speed of plasma lance and pulsar cannon.
- Fixed cockpit been able to give power to the mass drive accelerators.
- Fixed cockpit not sharing power properly.
- Fixed fighters reactor exposion damage (it was doing to much damage to adjacent parts).
- Fixed Landing Pads and Teleporters not been able to repair/reload invulnerable ships.
Balance changes:
- Increased 1x1 Reactor explosion radius from 3 to 4.
- Decreased 1x1 Reactor hp from 1000 to 500.
- Increased 1x1 Reactor density from 0.25 to 0.5.
- Decreased 1x1 Reactor energy generation from 375 per second to 350 per second.
- Decreased Cockpit's sensor range back to 250 of 300
- Increased Cockpit's cost to 5000 from 2500 to compensate for its use as a energy distributor.
- Increased Cockpit's Density from 0.25 to 1
- Increased Vector Thruster 1x1 Density from 0.25 to 0.5
- Decreased Vector Thruster 1x1 HP from 750 to 500
- Decreased Vector Thruster 1x1 Cost from 675 to 500
- Decreased Vector Thruster 1x1 thrustforce from 140 to 100 (60 lateral, 35 backward)
- Increased Vector Thruster 1x2 Density from 0.33 to 0.5
- Decreased Vector Thruster 1x2 HP from 1250 to 1000
- Decreased Vector Thruster 1x2 thrustforce from 350 to 330 (135 lateral, 120 backward)
- Increased Vector Thruster Overcharger Density from 0.33 to 0.5
- Increased Maneuvering Thruster 1x1 Density from 0.25 to 0.5
- Decreased Maneuvering Thruster 1x1 thrustforce from 140 to 90 (90 lateral, 0 backward)
- Increased Maneuvering Thruster 1x1 2-ways Density from 0.25 to 0.5
- Decreased Maneuvering Thruster 1x1 2-ways thrustforce from 100 to 90 (0 lateral, 90 backward)
- Increased Jump Drive Density from 0.33 to 0.5
- Decreased Jump Drive HP from 800 to 500
- Removed spread of the Twin Cannon to make it better vs fighters
- Increased Twin Cannon AOE from 3.5 to 4
- Decreased Twin Cannon damage from 10000 to 7000
- Increased Twin Cannon damage vs shields from 5000 to 6000
- Increased Flak cannon damage vs shields from 4000 to 6750
- Increased both Phase Shield 1x1 Density from 0.33 to 0.5
- Decreased both Phase Shield 1x1 HP from 800 to 500
- Increased Energy Flare Density from 0.33 to 0.5
- Decreased Energy Flare HP from 800 to 500
- Increased Crew quarters 1x1 Density from 0.33 to 0.5
- Increased Fighter Weapons Density from 0.33 to 0.5
- Decreased Plasma Lancer Fire Delay from .66 to .33
- Decreased Plasma Lancer Energy used per shot from 2000 to 1500
- Added to Plasma Lancer a Penetration Resistance of -2
- Increased Ion Beam Array Rotation Speed from 60 to 120
- Increased Ion Beam Array damage from 1000 to 1200
- Increased Ion Beam Array HP from 3000 to 4000
- Added to Ion Beam Array a Penetration Resistance of -2
- Increased Torpedo starting speed and acceleration
- Increased Missile acceleration
Fixed a couple of bugs with the Landing Pad (test) and the Big Twin Cannon Turret.
This update adds support for Cosmoteer 0.15.7 and adds a couple of new part and several test parts.
Parts Added:
- Three reaction Control System structures.
Modular Thruster and Modular Engine:
A Huge and Heavy Modular Thruster that can be buffed by one or more Modular Engines each adding 100% more power to it.
TEST Parts Added:
Phase Shield Linker (test):
Connects phase shields and other shield linkers in a 10m area, it gets disabled if the combined shields energy amount is too low and it will take several seconds to become active again. It can store a good amount of shield energy itself.
(Graphics pending, uses the same as the Phase Shields for now)
Repair Droid Bay (test):
Launches a Droid to repair damaged parts (Needs manual targeting, also the ship should be stationary because the droids can be thrown out of the ship easily if it moves).
Big Twin Cannon Turret (test):
A big twin roof mounted cannon that fires two projectiles that deals very high area damage.
(Graphics pending, uses the same as the Twin Cannon Turret for now)
Landing Pad (test):
This landing pad is almost the same as the old one, the only difference is that it allows to attach other parts at the front of it.
Landing Zone (test):
Similar to the landing pad (test) but it only docks ships.
Balance changes:
- Plasma Lance cost increased from 5000 to 6000.
- Mass Drive Damage increased from 3000 to 4000 and rate of fire from 3 seconds to 4 seconds, DPS is still the same.
- Mass Drive Accelerator buff percent increased from 15% to 30%, cost from 2000 to 4000 and energy used form 0.250 to 0.50 to make the weapon shorter.
- Ion Beam Array firing arc increased from 180 to 190.
- Flak Cannon Turret explosion area and impulse increased.
- Flak Cannon Turret firing arc decreased form 220 to 200.
- Twin Cannon Turret firing arc increased from 180 to 200.
- Pulsar Beam Turret firing arc increased from 180 to 200.
- Small Reactor cost increased from 4000 to 6500.
- Proyectiles range and speed increased by 50%.
- Proyectile health decreased by 40%.
- Increased Small Cockpit sensor range from 250 to 300.
Other changes:
- Added a second mode for the small turret guns that increases it rotating arc and rate of fire but also decreases its accuracy.
- Now the small cockpit combine the storages of all parts around it instead of share power, that means that it can "take" power from a reactor that its next to it.
This update adds support for Cosmoteer 0.15.3 and one new part for fighters.
Parts Added:
Reaction Control System:
The Reaction Control System is a network of small exhaust points used by vector thrusters to provide faster movements (comes in many shapes).
Other changes:
Teleporter: now HE/EMP missiles, nukes, mines and bullets are not teleported to other teleporters or factories.
Multiple Overcharges will stack its effects (thrust force and fuel used).
This update adds a few parts for support ships and frigate size ships.
Parts Added:
A 3x3 crew quarter:
Provides beds for 16 crew.
Teleports selected ammo type to nearby ships in a 50m radius.
Targeting Terminal:
A 2x2 room with a dedicated computer which increase the range of nearby weapons by 20% (except for railguns, Mass Drive, and fighter guns).
Frigate Bridge:
A bridge for frigates, it comes with a Mainframe computer which increase Targeting Terminals computations by 30%
Other changes:
Every sensor array now privides a buff to the bridge mainframe computers, increasing its eficiency by 20%.
The Pulsar Beam Turret has now a mirrowed variation.
Ion Beam Array, Fusion Cannon and all fighter guns has now 20% more range.
This small update is mainly for adding compatibility with Cosmoteer 0.14.10 but it also adds a weapon for small fighters.
Part Added:
Vulcan Blaster:
A 1x1 weapon that has very good damage to shields and armor but poor accuracy.
Added two modular weapons for small fighters and corvettes.
Parts Added:
Mass Drive:
A a fixed-direction modular weapon that is constructed using three different parts. This weapon fires magnetically accelerated projectiles that can penetrate into enemy ships, causing great damage.
Fusion Cannon:
A small modular weapons for small fighter and corvette size ships. This weapon can causes a lot of damage in a small area depending on the amount of booster used.
Added three burst energy weapons and compatibility with Cosmoteer 0.14.7. The Decal pack was updated too.
Parts Added:
Ion Beam Array:
A small ion beam weapon with numerous emitters that allows it to fire in a wide arc.
Plasma Lancer:
A fixed short-wave ion cannon that fires a short and powerful beam that has high penetration and damage per shot.
Pulsar Beam Turret:
A short-wave ion cannon mounted on a turret that fires a short and powerful beam that has high penetration and damage per shot.
I made this update to add compatibility with Cosmoteer 0.14.6, and it also adds three small guns.
Also, I have decided to remove all the armor and structures from this mod and create a dedicated one for them called Normal Armor Expanded (see download link up there).
Parts Added:
- Twin Fighter Guns
Balance changes:
- All bullets and missiles can be destroyed by the flak cannon and pd.
- increased speed of fighter guns's shots by 50% aprox.
- Landing pad teleports the exact amont of batteries, bullets and missiles.
- Increased Twin Cannon Turret damage to shields.
Other changes:
- Cockpit doens't share power with the Jumpdrive anymore
- The small fighter turrets can target missiles, mines and ships.
- All explosions has been changed to the new game mechanics.
This is a small update mostly to correct some bugs, but it also adds a few cosmetic parts.
Parts Added:
- Added 15 armor parts.
- Added structures for all the armor shapes.
- Added left and right vector thrusters wedges.
- Added a laser and particle small turret versions.
Bug correction:
- Fixed a small typo correction.
- Fixed a bug with settings/control.
- Fixed a Bug with small turret's targeting.
- Fixed a bug that cause docked ships not be able to jump to ftl when placing more than one ftl drive near a landing pad.
Balance changes:
- Flak Cannon Turret's spread decreased from 8d to 6d, damage increased by 50%, increased explosion radius from 12 to 17, increased ammo used per shot from 1 to 2 and cost from 9000 to 12000.
- Twin Cannon Turret increased cost from 9000 to 12000.
- Increased Twin and Flak Cannon Turret explotion radius from 900 to 2000 and radius from 4 to 5.
- Increased Twin and Flak Cannon Turret fire chance from 10% to 20% and radius from 4 to 5.
- Added a small firing arc to the torpedo launcher.
- Increased torpedo speed from 20 to 60 but decreased duration from 10 seconds to 3.5.
- Increased torpedo penetration from 6 to 8.
- Decreased torpedo damage to shields from 3600 to 2000.
- Increased torpedo initial damage from 3600 to 4000.
- Increased torpedo penetrationg damage from 1800 to 2000.
- Increased torpedo explotion damage from 1800 to 2000.
- Increased torpedo launcher explosion damage from 1500 to 2500 and area from 4.5 to 6.
- Increased missiles turn rate and max speed.
- Increased missiles Acceleration from 3 to 13 but decreased duration from 4 seconds to 3.
- Increased missile launcher explosion area from 4 to 5.
- Decreased missile damage to shields from 1200 to 1000.
- Increased missile damage to operational from 600 to 800.
- Decreased missile explotion radius from 5.5 to 4.5.
- Decreased small guns fire threshold form 5d to 1d.
Other changes:
- Squeezed tooltip data.
- Changed crew quarters roof sprite
- Changed shield effect when hit.
- Standardized AreaDamageBlockFactor for all Armor parts depending on the amount of health per block
- Decreased density from 0.5 to 0.25 and removed structure creation when parts is destroyed to:
- Maneuvering Thruster.
- Control room.
- Reactor.
- Small Vector Thruster.
- Decreased density from 0.5 to 0.33 and life by 20% to:
- Jumpdirves.
- Energy flare.
- Shields.
- Crew quarters 1x1.
- Vector thruster Overcharger.
- Decreased density from 0.5 to 0.33 and life from 1500 to 1250 to:
- Medium Vector Thruster.
- Fighter Guns.
- Added a few decals.
Small energy weapons:
Six 1x1 weapons that have a small arc limit and short range but good accuracy and average damage, also these weapons can be placed behind 1 block of armor.
Roof turrets:
Two heavy interior weapons that are good agains small fighters, expensive and can not be placed too close together.
Missiles and Torpedos:
Mid-range guided missiles and unguided Torpedos ideal for bomber's alpha strike.
Two small shields ideal to use in your small and medium ships. This shield type has a separated energy storage to proyect the shield itself, making it resistant to discharging damage and able to store a good amount of shield, but sacrificing regeneration speed. Can not be placed too close together.
A lot of small armor pieces to create interesting shapes.
Several structures.
A very small reactor used to power small ships.
Vector / maneuvering thrusters:
Four new light weighted propulsion engines capable to manipulate the direction of the thrust, designed for maneuvering.
A small unit that increases the thrust of adjacents vector thrusters by 200% for 3 seconds.
One 1x1 cockpit, light but weak, it can share energy with adyacent parts.
A 1x1 drive used to travel FTL, costly and not efficient.
One 1x1 crew bed, light and weak.
Landing Pad:
A 10x11 part that, repairs and reload any ship that is over it, it also allow docked ships to go FTL without the need of an FTL device (The Landing Pad needs a nearby FTL device and the cockpit of the docked ship needs to be on top of the Landing Pad). Warning: do not always dock the ship properly, especially if there are too many of them and it could also be laggy.
To dock ships, first, place them over the center of the landing pad, then select the ship with the landing pad and press the docking button at the bottom left (disable collision avoidance in gameplay options or use X key when issue the move order so the ship dont try to avoid be close to your landing pad.).
Some example ships: