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You should put those ship's that you show above in the mod itself so that all of us can enjoy them.



SHIP LIBRARY AND BOUNTY HUNTER SHIPS (Needs the Normal Armor Expanded mod):

Mjolnir Yes, i should actualize the BH mod, but i don't have much time to work on the mod these days.

Thanks. Ultranova But it won't work seeing as the Normal Armor Expanded mod is currently compatible with 0.14.9 and I currently have 0.14.11

Mjolnir mate, im using normal armour mod in 0.14.12

Mjolnir Normal Armor Expanded works with 0.14.11/0.14.12 just fine. I was using it just today.


    Kroom Just a little mistake I found in the mod, the Small Vector Thruster Is named "Medium Vector Thruster"

      Mjolnir Thanks, i will correct it. The armor mod works with the current version of the game and probably will for several more updates. Btw you can drag and drop into the game the ships that i posted in here.

        @Kroom Just had to fix something, the Normal Armor Expanded mod and Bounty Mod both work now, thanks.

          Apologies @kola2134 Ultranova I was wrong.

            @Kroom Which mod do you use to do some of the paint jobs?

            Mjolnir his decal mod probaly...

            @Kroom thx, and I have a suggestion, what about a thruster pack designed after the F-22 Raptor and the Stealth Bomber's Thruster's, Small, Medium and Large hm?

              @Kroom And another thing, the F-95 Morningstar's paintjob is messed up

                Kroom I have cosmoteer 0.14.12 and your bounty hunter mod would cause it to crash, i am guessing its not updated to 0.14.12?

                  Kingslycamben Nope, 0.14.12 causes BH edits to crash. However, the patch itself is trivial. Just search for, and replace every instance of singleplayer/bounty/ with bounty/, and you are done. (Ctrl + H brings up a replace menu on most text editors)