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BlackHole-Pine They're compatible if you do the fix.

    Ultranova no

    Mattx328 first of all i have both gcw and krooms forge downloaded when i did the fix i made a few mistakes
    1 do not rename the file
    2 do not put it in and then delete the origanal textfile. there is an optian that says: replace and delete

    Mattx328 Are you using my decal pack? if so, try the light version.

      Kroom kroom why is there a drone in your files but not ingame?

        Roasted i was planning to do a campaign one day and the drone was a part of it.

          Kroom you do know i am able to set buildible to true and use it

            Roasted Thats why i left it there.

              @Kroom Is the 0.15 version compatible with 0.15a?

                bro_walter Yes.

                  Maybe roof beams?
                  Despite the possibilty the only ones so far seem to be in abh and wh40k if I remember correctly (not counting tractor beam as it´s vanilla).
                  Possibly a larger reactor (3 by 3 or more), obviously it shouldn´t just be an upscaled version, but it could possibly have restricted access points and be armored for example, or a 2 (or 3 if proxy parts are added) part high yield reactor core consisting of a center part and outlets. similar to but not the same as the wh40k reactor.
                  (Sidenote, if you consider the reactor parts tell me at some point, otherwise I´ll probably make them myself for another mod at a later point.)

                    Drakador_Chaos I'm considering a roof beam weapon but i'm not sure how to make it special. About the reactor, i want to see the upcoming vanilla one and if Walt will add some kind of wires as he was considering at a point.

                    I know that triggers can be proxied between parts, but can targeting be? If that´s possible one could make a beam array that fires at the same target and buffs each other when they´re adjacent (without buffchaining for obvious reasons) and it could be used both on small and large ships as you can just scale up the size of the array by building more (sounds alot like the phaser array in retrospect). Or maybe something that can switch modes between, for example ion and plasma?
                    Not entirely sure about these suggestions, been fixing a variety of mods the last few days so my brains kinda dead currently. 🤔

                    Drakador_Chaos That's very interesting, i will think about it.

                    Kroom do for the roof turret a triple barrel ion/plasma beam emmiter. thats a mouth full
                    just do your small reactor but put the size to 3x3 and the power production and storage should be upped.
                    edit: mayby you can also add a special prisim for that turret. a 3x3 prisim?

                    Drakador_Chaos That's not working because between part proxies are limited to just that. There are still a lot of limitations. There are a slew of problems in the way of creating a fully functional phaser array since like forever. I've talked about a bunch of more advanced inter part features with Walt last year. So it doesn't look like we'll see them soon. Anyhow, targeting might come with different feature like a weapons/Sensor control part that's been in the planning.

                      Lafiel for phaser arrays it could work to make a 1x1 "launcher" and "boosters" of different sizes and shapes like the ones you have in abh.

                      I think roofmounted beams can´t function with prisms as they don´t interact with the origin ship.

                      Kroom The problem is phaser arrays are all-in-one parts. When they are pooling their power only one "emitter" can be used while at lower power each emitter would do their own thing. The current problem is buff and tick-time related control. I guess the problem is because it's not realtime.

                        Drakador_Chaos shouldn't it be possible with another ship?