- Edited
As Thrawn's Confederation had control over much of the galaxy, he was about to beat the New Republic. However one of his guards went rogue after seeing how effective Thrawn was and killed him...
However in my alternate reality the brilliant strategist had planned for this and instead had an imposter sit in his chair to be then murdered. The battle was won, ending all hope for a true democracy in the Star Wars galaxy. With no one to stand in his way he conquered the rest of the galaxy without much effort. He officially named his faction Thrawn's Infinite Empire, over time he had the galaxy's greatest minds create a Multi-Dimensional Gate. These are giant manually deployed gates that are made like hyperspace routes, a premade start and end. He used the new tech to explore the unknown...
He ended up in the Cosmoteer galaxy, a new frontier, a new place to conquer...
Now he is here to bring order and Imperial doctrine to the New Galaxy...
Status Report The situation has changed, we are no longer at our high pedistal, we do not rule supreme. TIE has retreated its main forces from the cosmoteer galaxy due to several factors, leaving only small amounts of hidden strike forces...
However we are not dead, we have been wronged for the last time. The era of holding back is gone, the time for tests has gone, and the days of empty threats... those threats will be delivered. You may mock and slander against our once great order, but we will show you all the true power of a united star wars galaxy. Long Live The Empire!Tech
Sub-Space Drives
A modified hyperdrive that allows for ships to enter and exit hyperspace with ease.
Used only of specialized vessels known as hypersubs. Interdictors still prevent hyperspace travel, pulling the vessel out of hyperspace.
Sith Magic
An ability used by Sith ships that can damage and trick their enemies in many ways. It can boots weapons, cause fear in the enemy, ect...
This is not out only tech, we have access to many within star wars technologies, especially those from legends.
The Rex Situation - Just as my Empire started to grow, problems suddenly arose. Rex Industries saw us as a threat, so they threaten us with destruction...
I had Supreme Commander @QuantumRK lead an assault with his latest designs. However @Echo also brought some new ships, he however had them equipped with a hidden weapon...
They ripped through our cruisers like paper and our Blood Dreadnaught in pieces...
Suddenly I was out of the fight...
My connection failed...
It was now up to Vice Admiral @ImTired , Admiral @thebuilder , and Supreme Commander @QuantumRK to defend the Empire...
They failed, they couldn't defend against the attacker. It was our first major loss, we lost space, morale, and some of our dignity.
It was an event that would effect us later, and it was possibly the factor that to
The Great Betrayal...
The Great Betrayal - When I reestablished conection, I was surprised to see the outcome of the conflict, we had lost, I wasn't angry, just confused...
After reading the reports I had realized the culprit for the defeat...
After I disappeared I discovered the weaknesses in my men, they were fractured...
They each had a plan, one was to surrednder, one wanted to continue the attack, and another wanted to negotiate. Each one assuring that their plan was the best, it gave @Echo plenty of time to strike, he crushed our fleet like ants...
My return was met with fear fearing demotion they each assure it was impossible to win and that they did their best, I told them there was nothing they could do, but what I didn't say was how none of them were able to lead in my absence, but they were foolish enough to betray me...
Shortly after my head ship designer Supreme commander @QuantumRK had come to me saying that Vice Admiral @ImTired had acquired incriminating evidence of him being a spy...
To convince him I assured that I wouldn't believe the accusations when they came out. And as expected @ImTired came to me with his discovery, I ordered him to begin an investigation and to keep any eye on @QuantumRK
Although secretly, I came to the conclusion...
That it could all be an act...
Nothing but a trick to betray me, but I continued to play their game, with my suspisions in mind...
And out of nowhere, @QuantumRK attacked...
Him and @ImTired began their hostile takeover...
He began to make demands, calling for support and independence...
As our fleets remained at a standoff, about to blast each other, I gave the code-word...
(Fox9), @ImTired gave a cynicle chuckle before telling @QuantumRK to surrender. He them attempted to convince him to destroy me, he succeeded...
And as I watch betrayal with my very own eyes, @thebuilder shows up...
It took 10 seconds for him to join them...
I had just witnessed my Empire, revoked from my hands...
I knew there was no way for me take back my Empire and I knew that I couldn't beat them there, so I retreated and vowed revenge for my stolen empire...
I went to uninhabited space to rebuild my once great Empire...
The Great OP Miscommunication - I had seen my downfall moments before, yet I was determined to not let this setback keep me from seeing the bigger picture. The fact that I was alive, (And so was my fleet), meant my mission was not a failure. But instead a lesson on how to rule, attack, and anticipate. So my objective was now to rebuild, get new members, and avenge my downfall. I captured some un-colinized space for myself, as well as a few large asteroids for bases of operation. All of a sudden I received a message from the one who made me fall in the first place, @Echo . He came with an offer, he sympathized with me. He saw how unfair my situation had been, how I was betrayed...
He had a plan, a bold one at that. But I when through with it anyways, thinking I had nothing left to lose. We started our forceful takeover...
He appeared in their space with huge fleet of ships, as well a small fleet of mine to support him. He declared his intentions of invasion to the backstabers, and to my surprise...
They were unprepared, we had caught them completely off guard. Their leader @ImTired immediately surrendered. @Echo had then put me as their ruler, to control this portion of territory. I then realized that, I won...
Of course I did cheat a bit, I won...
However, my 2nd reign was a short lived one, very short...
They started a rebellion shortly after my forceful takeover, and succeeded. After I reported the situation to @Echo , he prepared to show no mercy and defeat the traitors once and for all. Pt.2 coming soon.
The Great Op Miscommunication Pt.2 - I just had my Empire taken from me again, I felt powerless, like if I was just a ball. Getting kicked around from side to side without remorse, that would not stand. I had take back my Empire once and for all, or to die trying. My forces arrived in my forsaken teeritory, along with @Echo 's fleet. Our arrival was different than the last time I was here. Battle ensuded, but as well as a fleet of bystanders watching the chaos ensue. The battle soon became a verbal one, @Echo had brought in a new weapon of mass destruction. It worked too well for our adversaries, they called it a war crime, an op and unfair weapon. My old men worked very basically, instead of looking for a tactical solution like I had, they used outrage. Then out of the chaos, @ClassicJam arrives to put an end to the madness, they however thought that he was on their side. I knew he was called here by @Echo to put an end to the arguments. However he had come too late, commanders were yelling at their necks now, in an attempt to justify their points. I myself thought @Echo 's war weapon was a bit drastic, but he kept me from going into obscurity, so the least I could do was defend him. Then, we had enough, I knew the battle would go no where. So I called for an agreement, if they gave me back my Empire, I would let them go with their lives. Then I left them to their own demise, I took my forces to a new area, it was full of asteroids. They were full of resources and and vacancy. It was the perfect place to plot my revenge...
Thrawn's Revenge - I had achieved what I set out to accomplish...
I retook my Empire for once and all, I started to rebuild, and my objectives were clear. Build back up, recruit members, and have my revenge. So I started with @DarkPearl , he was a long-time friend, loyal, amd unknowing of my plans. He was the perfect candidate...
From there I went on to recruiting @Alfraks , @Mrowte , and many more.
Victory Lane -
The Drought of Action -
New stories every couple of months.
Rank Privileges
The privileges given to those who gain a rank in the faction. Certain ranks are harder to get than others. Also some ranks are official Star Wars ranks, while I made some up.
SR = Side Rank
Emperor - The one true leader of all the Empire...
Although Thrawn does listen to the opinions of the Grand Moff and Grand Admirals, he is the one with the final say in matters.
Grand Moff - The leader of the Empire's entire navy (Second to the Emperor of course...)
They are entrusted to help the Emperor in making decisions and giving advice.
Moff - An individual who has been choosen to represent the Empire by commanding their own systems.
Grand Admiral - The rank given to those who have shown their loyalty to the Empire through battles, situations, and just because...
They are entrusted to command big parts of the Empire's forces to victory...
Admiral - The rank of someone who asked first...
Or who earned it through hard work, dedication, and luck...
They lead multiple elite fleets to invade systems.
SR Ally - A smart leader of a faction who chose to align themselves with our Empire.
SR Head Ship Designer - A ship designer who excells above others, in the art of ship design. This spot can be earned through making a better ship than the previous person.
SR Logistics Expert - An Imperial who is recognized as an expert in making ships the most effective. However, only one can exist at a time, so to become one you must beat the other by completing a challenge in where you have to make a ship more effective than theirs.
Vice Admiral - The Admiral's assistant, who helps command the fleets of the Empire.
Supreme Commander - The rank of a loyal member of the Empire who commands several fleets at a time. Usually assigned to lead invasions and assaults.
Fleet Commander - This person leads a fleet of cruisers and ships to battle, for the Empire...
Captain - The captain leads a cruiser and support ships into battle to defeat any enemies of the Empire. The lowest rank an ally can achieve.
SR Ship Designer - A member who has shared a ship design with the Empire.
Officer - Takes orders from the captain. Leads a small cruiser or a ship and fighters.
Squadron Leader - The lowest available rank so far, the leader of a fighter squadron (3-5) fighters per squadron. They are also used as special ops at times.
Whatever rank you are you will always have more power than the rank below you. You can also get ranked up and down, depending on your behavior, skill, and devotion. Also its possible to have multiple ranks.
Emperor - Me
Grand Admiral - @DarkPearl
Admiral - @Mrowte
Admiral - @EpicMp21
Fleet Commander - @G4L4XY
Fleet Commander - @Tson
Fleet Commander - @kola2134
Captain - @Jesus3747
Captain - @Cosmicdestroyer
Captain - @dafeeeeeeeeeesh
Captain - @Zyrox
Captain - @CursedPh4nt0m
Captain - @IronCross42
Roleplay Characters
Dark Maulis
A Chiss, female, sith warrior that has shown enough loyalty and recognition that she commands an entire liegion of female, sith knights.Commander Fargos
A well known commander who has been selected to work with Dark Maulis.Grand Admiral Lorca
@DarkPearl 's character.Gal'Axi
@G4L4XY 's Character
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Species: Deraricuin
Appearance: Gal'Axi looks like most Deraricuins, with features such as black stripes on his cheeks, blue eyes, red skin, horns on top of his head, and something similar to lekku. He wears a typical Imperial uniform.
Armament: Gal'Axi has a pocket deflector shield, which runs on two plasma batteries and can take a couple of blaster shots, and a blaster shotgun
Occupation: Imperial Fleet Commander/Lead Ship Designers
Skills: Gal'Axi specializes in ship-building, and he has intermediate skill in commanding a fleet. He also has good aim due to his vision.
Backstory: Gal'Axi was born into a middle-class family on Deraricuis, an exotic planet with a corrupt, aggressive, and controlling government. As a child, he had an interest in starships, as his father was the captain of a cruiser. Due to his interest in design, he would spend days and nights making model ships, as the rest of the world around him grew up, made families, and joined the military. Even though his life was easy, that would change. One day, a war stirred up, ending with the death of many, including his father, which left his family on the brink of going broke. Despite the hardships faced during this era, Gal'Axi never gave up on his dreams. In fact, he had achieved his dream of becoming a lead ship designer, as he was shortly recruited by Emperor Thrawn.
Ship: Galaxia, a Star Destroyer which can dock ships in two ways: in its hangars, and externally.
@MaxwellCharlie 's characters
Name: Arichael
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Species: Twi'lek-Miraluka Hybrid
Appearence: Well... Imagine a Miraluka, now give her eyes. now add a slight red tint to the skin, now add 2 very stumpy, and non-obvious lekku. She has the generic female appearence, and prefers to wear a dark, concealing cloak on top of simplistic armor.
Weapons: A crappy, slapped together lightsaber, but, again, is crappy af, as well as an old E-11 Blaster Rifle. She is very mildly force sensitive, but not enough to really do much more than 'sence' somthing going on, or levitate a small coin.
Occupation: Bounty hunter/Assassin
Skills: Mildly force-sensitive, affinity with machines and gadgets, can figure out how to pilot any ship if you give her a half hour, and, most importantly, the generic skills of a bounty hunter/assassin.
Backstory: The old one was crap. Im willing to make one that'll fit any storyline, really.
Starship: An old, beat up, heavily modified Eta-2.
Droid: She has one Astromech Droid that she built herself from parts of scrapped droids. It has the head of an R6 unit, the body of an R2 unit, and the legs of an R-4 unit. She named it RX-42. RX has been blown up, shot, stabbed, sliced, EMP-blasted, and has had other should-be-fatal injuries and encounters 14 times. RX has survived every time, due to Arichael's knowlege of repairing droids. It WILL be an ongoing gag that RX-42 isnt able to be killed... to Arichael's knowlege of repairing droids. It WILL be an ongoing gag that RX-42 isnt able to be killed...Name: Tharix
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Species: Human?
Appearence: He looks like he’s human, but there is no knowing for sure. He is such a strange individual, that nobody can truly be sure what messed up species are mingling in his blood. The only definite odd physical feature about him is the fact that his left eye is blue-green, but his right eye is a sickening yellow.
Weapons: He will wield any Imperial or Chiss weapon he can get his hands on, however, he always carries a simple blaster pistol on him at all times.
Occupation: Commander, but also will sometimes help oversee the construction of star destroyers.
Skills: He is an incredible fleet commander and can easily manage a massive fleet.
Backstory: He was always a very caring individual, but at the same time, there was most certainly always something wrong in his head. He was always coming up with the most absurd sounding ideas and concepts. However, when put into action, they almost always worked flawlessly. This is exactly why he is part of Thrawn’s Empire. He is an innovator, an inventor, a mad scientist, AND a fleet commander.
Starship: He is the commander of the Incisor-Class Star Destroyer ‘The Sarlacc’s Maw’. He also flies in a Lambda-Class shuttle.
Droid: There is a mouse droid that is oddly obsessed with him. He calls it ‘Phil’.Name: Martyrian (Mar-tur-E-an) AKA Darth Martyrus (Mar-tur-us) (Literally means ‘Dark Martyr’)
Age: ~60
Gender: Male
Species: Zabrak-Miraluka
Appearence: As he has Zabrak in him, he has noticeable horns on his head, and the Miraluka part of him means that he has no eyes, just empty sockets. But if he did have eyes, they would be yellow, as his soul is black. He wears long flowing black robes, torn and raggedy, and has a mechanical right arm. His skin tone is an orange-yellow, with a slight cool tint to it.
Weapons: Although he rarely uses it, he has a lightsaber. It has black-red color to the blade. He prefers to use his devastating force abilities to take out his foes.
Occupation: Dark side force user. He is an unstoppable force, and will do practically anything to get what he wants. He’s a bit of a loose cannon, but he’s a reasonable loose cannon, if you get what I’m saying.
Skills: He does not need eyes to see, as he is incredibly adept in the force, to such an extent, that he uses force vision to see the entire world around him. However, he is not so adept with a lightsaber, using it only if necessary. He doesn’t see the lightsaber as the elegant weapon that Obi-Wan did. But again, he is so adept in the force, that he doesn’t even really need one. He is so adept in the force, in fact, that he has even ‘manufactured’ a few of his own force abilities, such as force flame (Using ones sheer rage to send flames billowing out of one’s hand, or it can make an object or a person spontaneously combust into a flaming ball of glory), force constriction (Like force choke, except instead of grasping your windpipe, it squeezes your lungs, as well as the windpipe. It has the ability to also snap one’s neck), or force electroknesis (By adapting force lightning to a lower voltage and amperage, he is able to send electrical signals through wires, or a ship, for that matter, to either control it, or disable it). He can also do that thing that Kylo Ren can, and stop blaster beams mid fire. The most fascinating ability he has, however, might be his extreme strength in force absorption. It is so powerful, that he could, theoretically, grab a lightsaber’s blade, and remain unharmed, although, that would take a LOT of concentration.
Backstory: He was born on the planet Coruscant, and he hated it there, as he was of the lower-lower-lower class. He blamed his parents for being lazy, and for not working hard enough to live happier. His father, a Zabrak, was mildly force sensitive, and his mother, a Miraluka, was moderately force sensitive. They had many books on the force, and things related, and Martyrian had read them all, but he wanted more. He left his home in a stolen ship, in search of holocrons, to which he found only one that to a long dead sith, called Plagueis. It said it was one of many, but he cared not. It told him where to go to become more powerful: A planet known as Korriban. He, although it took an incredibly long time, eventually found Korriban, and entered a massive temple. There he saw the spirits of past sith and he spoke with them, and they put him through tests, in one of which he lost his arm. He finished his tests, and eventually got a mechanical replacement for his old arm. The holocron would then tell him to proceed to Mustafar, and so he did. It brought him to a location where he felt extreme hate, and agony, and rage, and... regret. He had found the place where Anakin had died, and where Darth Vader was born.
He continued traveling to these infamous locations, and, throughout doing so, he would be filled with the rage of many of the sith before him. Finally, the holocron told him to do one last thing: kill his parents. He, now hating everyone and everything, didn’t even hesitate. He slaughtered them like pigs. He then spent 20 years training, fallowing the steps that the single holocron gave him, which didn’t include lightsaber training. Eventually, a strange man with one yellow eye found him, and explained that Thrawn’s empire would most certainly appreciate his help, and would reward him for it as well. He accepted. Finally, he has been given a chance to show the full extent of his rage.
Starship: He flies a heavily modified T.I.E. super heavy attacker, but can fly any T.I.E. model, as well as a B-wing, as that was the ship that he stole when he was young.
@Jesus3747 's Characters
- Name: A'den Ka'ra also known as Lord Yi'sus
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Species: Human (Mandalore)
Appearence: No one knows who he is, nor how he is, only his armor can be seen, wrapped in a long black cloak, his armor dark as night, composed mostly by Mandalorian Iron. His armor was a mix between the old Mandalorian armor mixed with one of a Sith.
Weapons: He uses a lightsaber, not blue, nor red, only a dark one, it's color, symbolic of his aim to vanquish all light.
Occupation: Is the leader of a group that believe themselves as the Sith made pure, the Sith made perfect, whose only purpose is to serve the will of the Dark Side of the Force, much like the Jedi serve the Living Force, albeit twisted and perverted, with no intention to seek power for themselves.
It is also part of the Thrawn Empire.
Skills: He is an excellent pilot, as well as a warrior, either hand to hand or with a weapon, although normally his enemies do not manage to get close enough to confront him, since one of the most dangerous abilities of Yi'sus, is the power to drain the life of his opponents.
Backstory: ... wip ...
Starship: "Divine Inferno" A modified Imperial battle cruiser, being the main base of the Dark Order, what makes this ship unique is its destructive power, either by the armament powered with kyber crystals, as well as its great ventral weapon, an ancient Sith superweapon capable of draining all the life of a planet and leaving anyone made of stone.
General Information:
- Name: Dark Order Trooper (Dark Trooper)
- Role: Line Infantry
- Affiliation: TIE, Dark Order, Dark Side
X-92-E Battle Rifle: Experimental battle rifle, used primarily by Dark Troopers. Its rapid cooling system and great firing rate give it the necessary firepower that the Dark Order needs in a battle.
General description:
People who once had a life, but now their bodies hollow and mindless, they act now but only to serve the Dark Side's will. They are fearless and infinitely loyal, and will face certain death for the sake of fulfilling their dark purpose, being influenced by the dark side, they managed to obtain some level of Force-sensitivity, and are able to receive orders from their masters via telepathy.
His drawing of the character
-Captain Coran He'rok
@Brank 's character
Faction Relationships
The Zankaran Infinity Empire
Kola Korp
The Cyber Cruiser Empire
The Followers of The Imperium
The Royal House of Brandenburg
The Blood Mongers
None at the moment
The Imperial Reminant
The UG
Our Ships
WIP Lore Document
File of our drawings