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/Transmission Start/
Affirmative, considering the currently available data I suppose your Shift is stable enough to support a group of TATC ships.
/Transmission End/
...the ships started moving past the borders and towards the portal at sublight speeds...

    Upon entering the portal, the crewman onboard the TATC ships have the feeling of someone watching them, prompting quite a few officers to look behind them. Space became a golden light, the turbulence of the Shift invisible to the naked eye.

    (The Shift is like a tame warp basically, the Hegemony Fleet is serving a purpose beyond just escorting, they are projecting the Psionic Field that is keeping bad things from happening.)

    yobeefjerky a small ship is detected near the NH border, it seems to have some physical and technological damage

    a transmission is broadcast it seems to be an sos from the ship

      • in one final act of desperation the ship powers its self towards the nearest NH planet on a collision course*

      ...the TATC crew kept generally calm some of the older ones even seemed to be familiar with this sort of travel, they patiently waited until they would reach the other end of the portal...
      (...there quite a few of things you do not know yet about the TATC and their races, though I´ll reveal some information when I deem it necessairy.)

        The planet's defense grid activates, hundreds of thousands of previously cloaked defense stations decloak, an immensely powerful disruptor shield forms and effectively stonewalls the ship's attempt at ramming. The vessel erupts into a massive, multi-megaton nuclear explosion.

        (Disruptor Shields of this type (Fissi-Variant) operate by forcefully splitting the atoms of whatever it's defending against. This clearly doesn't work against energy-based weaponry, that is blocked by an Electro-Disruptor field which disrupts energy, this is going off topic. Basically, Disruptor Shields split atoms, very quickly, you know what else splits atoms? Nukes; and such we get to see why these shields stonewall ramming attempts, they literally nuke the rammer into oblivion. Now normal disruptor turrets use the same mechanic, but are far weaker and such don't do nearly as much damage, but they do increase in effect based on the density of armor. Denser armor receives more damage from Disruptors. This is how the ship was destroyed by the planetary shield, it was turned into a nuke on it's own. I do realize I never pointed out this exists, and am sorry for any story I just prematurely killed off, but this is an important part of NH lore. Expect the defense stations to use heavy disruptor weaponry as well, considering they are why the shield operates.)

        After about a minute of travel, the feeling of being watched subsides as space darkens, camera footage of the travel only register a brief flash of light, but no passage of time was digitally recorded. As if time stood still between the entering of the portal and the exiting.

        A patrolling petty fleet enters visual range of the small ship, the 30 frigates raise shields as they approach.

        ...the crew checks the sensor data looking if they reached their target destination at the other end of the territory yet...

          The trader fleet is at the exact coordinates on the other side of the NH's borders.

            ...the fleet sends a transmission to the fleet that escorted them...
            /Transmission Start/
            Thank you for your assistance New Hegemony, we shall be moving off then.
            /Transmission End/
            ...the ships started moving past the borders at sublight speeds, as they reached a certain distance between them and nearby objects they abruptly disappeared from the sensors as they usually do...

            9 days later

            yobeefjerky the ship seems to have dissipated without any debris the only thing left was that there were faint traces of some kind of dimensional tear particles left floating in space

            a ship would be detected... a destroy ship

            Brank (war hammer)

              Any surviving scanners would have found small distortions in the background radiation of space, but nothing appears.

              yobeefjerky as the destroyed ship drifts all of a sudden its engines come back on stabilizing it a distress call is sent "He#p U#" parts of the short transmission are scrambled

                A single, Piramid shaped ship, leaves FTL in orbit of a New Hegemony recentely colonized planet. It stood without opening fire or communications, orbiting the planet, watching...

                  NH command is surprised when all receiving systems in the NH suddenly shut down and reboot,they do not however have long to worry about why, as a transmission follows five minutes later
                  --Szysztemwide Broadcaszt, Thisz isz Ever Legionn, Filename deszignation "New Hegemony/counterszlash/ORIGIN szysztem, your racze hasz been deemed a threat, therefore for your own szafety you will be Revoked, thank you for your patientcze-- ---THAT ISZ ALL---

                  Tson (I guess the New Hegemony megafleet in the psionic storm will return now to shield their space from the Ever legion...)