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Every time i try to make an effective ship i fail,but one day i messed with the cerberus and retrofitted it,i thought it was normal until i did extensive testing with vanilla ships 4 to 7 million in cost and this 3.5 million credit ship beat most if not all of them,i did testing with ddc's battleship,the terror,the clusterfuck,etc but still this ship always wins,
can a proffesional player inspect this ship to point out why it is so strong?

here is the ship

the cannon brust damage and ion constant damage that make cerberus it self really good but after the ion is replaced by short railguns its like been nerfed but its still good cuz the cannon

I'm not a pro, but I can explain why your ship is very effective. The secret behind its success is quite simple, it effectively guards its primary weapon. the "heads" of your ship are completely expendable, and perfect for guarding its ion beam. Keep in mind when creating ships how its going to come apart, and what will be damaged first, and what needs to be protected. In your case it would be your 4 banks of ion beams. To hone your ship building skills, I recommend doing bounty-hunter to practice upgrading, and little tricks to optimize, and fine tune ships. Learning to build is hard, but keep at it, and you'll be a master at it in no time.

GarryGarret i agree all but the bounty hunter mode all the ships in bounty hunter are built in ship and built in ship just... trash (cerberus is one of the best built in ship for sure)

    CATMASTER GarryGarret The first time i got the game i instantly played creative,so imma try playing bounty hunter mode today lol

      also CATMASTER what is the known counter for ions and large cannons?

        DeletedAccount Shielding and Armor. Might want to make a ship that use shield modules with 3-thick armor to see what I mean.

        BattleCruiserCommander might test later since im still trying to find out how to improve my HMS Cerberus using no mods,not even huge ships mod so im just wandering the forums and observing other ships to maybe implement some stuff in my ship.

          BattleCruiserCommander also can you do me a favor? can you send me a few vanilla ships i can use to test my ships? since i run atleast thirty round of fights testing my ship as my new system

          now that i think about it,the HMS cerberus looks similar to teg's monster :/

            I can destroy it with 3 1200k's
            So yeah.

              That_Angry_Man well it was meant for 1v1s with similar size not multi ship combat but thanks for pointing out flaws 🙂

                DeletedAccount It's really bad against EB spammers

                  That_Angry_Man True since defense relies heavily on shields but im still experimenting


                      Brank and the Trap Card.ship



                          Not Stronk