Undated_Abyss Why arent you leaving this sector. I dont know but let me ask you now. Why arent you leaving? I mean there is nothing of use here other than some scrap.
Distress signal
Battlestar Jena calls only 20 Vipers home while the others are ordered to stay whit Galactica.
Battlestar Jena Jumps away whit all assist ships leaving the Battlestar Galactica.
Undated_Abyss Crew: Sir, our FTL drives have been jammed and the FTL drives are out.
Admiral Adama: This is the worst time... the fleet just jumped away! Send a messege back to home.
New Colonial Fleet Inbound.
The comms sytem of the Galactica, plays out "Going somewhere with that tech, are you?" with the source seemingly being a DRADIS contact on the edge of the system about equivalent to the Galactica in size. Details are unknown, but said DRADIS contact is surrounded with other smaller DRADIS contacts, presumably its escorts
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Secure channel:
"Well, these plans do seem pretty helpful. I recommend for you to further check the wreckage for more.Also, since you are calling reinforcements, we will have some inbound to, to be safe."
*these ships arrive:
They move around the demolisher, but do not send out any signals towards the battlestar...
(I know I know, the paintobs arent done yet..)
Undated_Abyss Crew: Multiple DRADIS contacts just appeared.
Admiral Adama; By attacking us you will start a WAR. Galactica is the Flagship of the entire Colonial Fleet and survived both the first and second cylon war.
Colonial Fleet will arive in about 4 minutes.
"We do not plan to start a war, but since this is free space, this tech belongs to us just as well as you. Just make a copy and share it."
On the bridge:
"Send word to high command, we need a large fleet here, and I mean LARGE. Ive a feeling there's gonna be an unreasonable amount of ships coming in..."
(Karag. Fleet ETA 10min)
You seem to think we are going to attack...
If we did there would be no war: the Galactica, and the incoming fleet would be destroyed and no-one would know until they found the wreckage because we just jammed your long range comms
All Main Batteries point to Udnated s Fleet.
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On the bridge:
"I called it!" They're here!"
"How long until our ships are here?"
"5 minutes...."
*All ships ready their weapons, and go into a V shape formation: the Demolisher, and to his sides the frigates. The fighters hold behind them to come out in the right moment
(You know, this reminds me of the cold war...)
XO: If we dont attack they will. They want that cargo!
Admiral Adama: We dont want to start a war... patience... our engineers are checking the FTL drives... they will fix it. Lets hope that they hurry up...
Battlestar Jena returns and launches its vipers making a total of 150