It would be really great to have point defense target all physical projectiles, including cannons shots and railgun shots and whatever else comes along, because it seems pretty silly to limit point defense to only missiles. It doesn't have to be very effective, it just has to be possible.
Point Defense targeting Cannon shots
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The Difference of point defense on bullets is like the modern APS system while missiles are able to be detected and destroyed by having their warhead destroyed by the aps. But cannon rounds are too fast to be detected by aps and also are more difficult to defeat because of a internal warhead behind a ballistic cap instead of a tipped warhead meaning if you fired rounds at a shell coming at you the shells would most likely bounce off or be absorbed by the ballistic cap.
Thanks for your input. The differences here are that cannon rounds do go a lot slower in cosmoteer than in real life, on earth, and that point defense shoots high energy plasma charges.
perhaps sensors should be necessary for this.
falcon500 Bubbet's PH mod does this,
Actually, this idea was already placed.
And my question is, if PD will be depleted to shoot down projectiles, what will defend ships from missiles?
here is an example that shows my point:
I think it would be cool to a part that is like a cannon but shoots a shield that moves forward like Symmetras ability in Overwatch.
Thanks, I'll check it out.
Previously I didn't use ABH because it didn't work properly with one of the other mods I was running and gave me some visual glitches, but that may have been fixed by now.
Mc2 the point is that cannons are a bit too useful and point defense is a bit too usless
CGDW That... Would actually be Very interesting!