ONYX-Guard When you installed or when you started afterwards? Reminder: The Eye usually crashes on weaker pc´s/Laptops (like my own ;<.<)
Blood Cult (0.15.7/8 Update)
Drakador_Chaos Yeah it turned out that my laptop couldn't handle it. I upgraded my desktop and now works perfectly.
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Drakador_Chaos Got a bug, when the blood prime shell factory is at very low health, the floor just disappears...
Look underneath the primal hunter, and you'll see it.
Here is a better screenshot:
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Drakador_Chaos I have a question: Why do the 1x1 armor wedges have the same health as the 1x1 cube?
And sorry for the necropost.
They do?
Well guess that´s another thing to fix in winter holiday.
Drakador_Chaos And the 1x2 armor wedge has about 2000 more hitpoints than the 1x1 cube.
pls update for 14.5
p a t I e n c e
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Alpha JEB TotallyNormalPerson Brank
I will see this weekend if everything still runs as intended after running it through the upgrader, if it does, I will probably upload that version as of now, then I´ll start working on fixes etc. and upload the fixed version at a later point due to time constraints n´ stuff and I´ll also have to fix Meraneras mod. If it doesn´t work after the upgrader it will likely take a while until the fixed version comes.
Thank you for your patience.
Progress report:
-Added a "Bloodcult" building tab
-Fixed blueprint misplacement of the Hunter cannon
-fixed the irregularities in armor healthpoints
Progress report:
-Adjusted hp and damages according to wishes of the former developer
-fixed (most) ugly codelines (not like anyone cares)
-did some other adjustments
Gonna do some testing later this day, probably going to upload afterwards.
Note to self:
-You forgot to fix the EoD
Drakador_Chaos Don't forget to fix the visual bug I posted a long time ago.
Alpha Ima look into it once I´m back from work, but currently I´m not even sure how something like that could even happen.
Drakador_Chaos Me neither, I never had that issue when making my tiny mod.
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Progress Report:
Added 14.5/6 download links for both EoD and Bloodcult.
There have been stat-changes and some minor changes to explosive projectiles, should any issues arise post below.
Edit: Might be the balance is a bit broken now after buffing various numbers.