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I have on occasion, accidentally left the cosmoteer title screen open for extremely long periods of time. I have noticed that for some reason, the planet in the background seems to get bored, and start to leave. All sarcasm aside though, the planet seems to slowly move over time, to the right, and a little up. Unless this is a hidden Easter egg or something, I doubt this should be happening.

4 Hours:
7 Hours:

CaptainRedstone Well that is interesting...why exactly would you be in the title screen that long?

    Its interesting that the ship starts moving on its own. But I'm pretty sure the main menu is just a ship on a planet with the camera fixed on the center of the ship, so it'd make sense why its moving.

      Bubbet But planets and stars usually stays on place. Or arent they 😃

        Mc2 That is why this bug is so interesting. Normally, the planet in the background will try to move BACK to the center of the screen, not away from it. Try zooming out, and moving the camera in a direction for a while, and watching the planet, especially when you stop

        CaptainRedstone I know, that was reply for bubbet.

        I my try this bug myself 😃

          CaptainRedstone Does it ever come back or does it disappear forever?

            Ultranova As far as I know, it never comes back. But I doubt anyone would want to leave the game open for that long anyway. The world may never know.

            Also, has anyone else been able to reproduce this bug?

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