Very well.
We will hold you responsible if this goes wrong.
The Voidborn ships part in their line to allow
@Al1ce Crystallides to absorb the enrgy, with a gap in the containment shield to allow their access.
Massive Energy Spike (Ended)
...a small TATC Lynx vessel arrives at the scene, suprisingly without any escorts, a few moments later it opened communication with the Collective, another surprise, the bing behind the screen seemed to be human instead of one of the "Kin" races the TATC usually consists of, he had short brown hair, an apparently unshaved beard and dark under-eye circles...
/Transmission Start/
Greetings...n´ all that... so I´m here on some personal matter, I´d like to ask which Core-Entity exactly I´m currently talking to? You know, just curiosity...
/Transmission End/
...he then looked out of the bridges window watching the other fleets fighting for the reactor while scratching his chin...
The Zankaran rebels, seeing they are outnumbered and outgunned, jump into hyperspace. The Crystallides feed from the reactor, leaving it without energy, the device turns into dust as its energy is taken out. The Rebels plan to destroy this Universe are neutralized.
DarkPearl We wait for the meltdown then
- Edited
Crystallides fly back to the wormhole
Then it disappears
(edit: (Wromhole xd))
The Voidborn take samples of the dust to analyse at a later date and also leave.
Drakador_Chaos /Transmission Start/
"This is a subc-- Oh, one moment..."
"This is Reflex-Jacket of the Dimensional Collective. What is it that you wish?"
/Transmission End/
- Edited
/Transmission Start/
(...the man frowned and took a few notes, then he nodded...)
Oh, you know... nothing special, just checking up on where everyone is, can´t be too safe these days...that should be everything.
(He walks away mumbling to himself off-mic "Reflex-Jacket 3032066 dubious reactor core hm...")
/Transmission End/
...a few moments later the Lynx vessel disappears again without any further words of explanation of it´s owner, leaving behind a multitude of different warp, ftl, slipspace, rift and hyperspace signatures into various directions...
The Imperalis scout decloaks, making a scan of the area and then Warps out
Dear Author
The events section of the forum is strictly for events which have a set time, such as championships, ship vs ship battles and so forth. All role-play should be kept to the Lore/RP section. Sorry if this was unclear to you. We've fixed the issue and have renamed the lore section. Your post has been moved over to the correct section if you think there was a mistake please bring this to the attention of a Moderator and one will get back to you ASAP. Further use of the event section for RP could result in a punishment.
Sorry for any interruptions in the role-play.