How is this? I was trying to make a theme ship for Good Morning Cosmoteer. You may use it if you wish, just give me some credit for it.
Good Morning Cosmoteer! (interviews and weather reports!)
omg so good
GoodMorningCosmoteer When’s the next report?
GoodMorningCosmoteer Glad you like it!
depends on what happens
GoodMorningCosmoteer Sorry if this sounds STUPID, but what exactly does a "host" do? I mean I know what they do on news irl, but I don't really do much as a host on cosmoteer...
GoodMorningCosmoteer Reply to my response on the new thing I am thingint?
basically you can come on the forum and do interviews for GMC
jbox1 what do you mean?
GoodMorningCosmoteer Hello, GMC news team! Just so you people know, there is currently a Galactic Depression going on right now. We would like you to do a report on this very important matter, and to inform the Cosmoteer Galaxy of the situation. You can view what is currently being done to help the galaxy recover here:
me and one of our other hosts have covered the situation now.
/Transmission Start/
The Eclipse Hunter Republic has decided to fund GMC as getting word around the galaxies is important, however this comes with a catch, if you criticise us we WILL stop funding you also this is...
The PartnerSHIP
A ship for passing through dangerous areas.
/Transmission End/
alright sure.
- Edited
Weather Report #2
Planets Phygia IV, Fridericus I, Antipho VII, Ergalisus XI and their respective moons have been plunged into darkness as a result of the cenntenial CME of Camillus sector. Due to this, they are some of few planets in the IWO unaware of the galactic Depression. There have been reports from dozens of planetary environmentalists and meteorologists stating that the chaos and riots (caused by the Depression) have lead to a surge of CO2 release. As a result, these affected planets are suffering from rapid global warming and are urging more the civil planets to send aid.
In other weather-related news, Mexoforicus sector will be hit by a Gamma Ray Burst ( CRB ). The outlook of this event is that many affected planets will experience higher levels of gamma radiation. At the time of reporting, aid has been dispatched to the sector to locate areas least radioactive and to report on how much land will no longer be inhabitable. Calixa sub-sector in Alanus sector will have minor cosmic winds. As a result, much of the sub-sector will be shrouded in cosmic dust. Traders entering the sub-sector are to be more cautious as rag-tag pirate ships are likely to take advantage of the lack of visibility. The aquatic world Gratidius (Simo sub- sector, adamus sector) will experience a Tidal Disruption event within the week, be prepared for magnetic disruption and mass flooding
The star in Theodoris solar system (Lena sub-sector, Lupinus sector) is continuing to go supernova. As a result, the system is still under evacuation and still under deemed unsafe for any spaceships to enter. Further examination and updated predictions suggest that the entire sub-sector may need to be evacuated as the amount of Neutrino Emission will be severe enough to turn every planet in the sub-sector to molten rock. Stay tuned for further reports and be ready to evacuate if you inhabit any planet of the Lena sub-sector
End Report
"Greetings, and welcome to your daily anomaly forecast by Shade."
General Shade proceeds to throw a piece of wood in the air and shatter it with his weapon.
"Today, this exact thing may have happened in a bunch of places, except there was the fabric of space-time and not wood, but you get the idea. Anyway, our Klein bottle from the previous episode was burned down by deliberate arson. Sad. Still, today we have a planet that is currently turning itself inside out, exposing its core. Scientists of nearby civilizations gather all around it to study the phenomenon and the core of a planet. It's one majestic show, if I must say. Next up, we have negative rain on the planet Temporis, home of a pre-sentient civilization of creatures that resemble worms on two pairs of limbs. The anomaly is in having rain drop right from earth in the sky, and since the creatures contain water much like any ordinary organic, the Temporis civilization is officially considered extinct."
"This concludes our anomaly forecast for today. Happy space-bending!"
Hm... hello Another Peacefully Faction?
@GoodMorningCosmoteer Well hello i'd like to get a job.
MegaNikiGaming If someone dares attacking you... tell me. Ima deal whit it
please sign here,
hands a paper.
you could be a host, a weatherman, a camera man, a sound editor, a director or just a janitor.