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(sorry for delay, school is the worst invention.)
alright, we'll start with a simple question.
what is your faction's main goal?


    Tson (what?)


      (here is an equation: "to destroy this dimension," + "for others to live." + logic = Zer0 = Facepalm = Brain explodes)

        Tson basically it's the natural cycle, a dimension dies for that another dimension can live, not because otherwise, yes, everything inside the destroyed dimension is dead...


          Gladiaxa basically it's the natural cycle


          Gladiaxa another dimension can live

          ??? but, You and ur faction would be dead, as in:

          Gladiaxa everything inside the destroyed dimension is dead...

          =your faction.


          Tson If you had read the description of the faction, you would know that Darkness lives in another dimension that has nothing to do with the dimension of cosmoteer. Thus, if this latter dies, the Darkness will still live in its dimension and will destroy others dimension.
          As for the servants, they are fanatics who have delivered their souls to the darkness, so ...

          Tson natural cycle: a rock becomes dust then sinks into the sea, then into the tectonic plates and with the pressure becomes rock again.
          We can do the same thing with the cycle of water, carbon ...

          • Edited

          ok, if you say so. 😛

            second question, how might you acomplish this?
            you may request to have your data removed if you do not want to say.

            GoodMorningCosmoteer Our master counts as usual on time, corruption, attacks, political assassinations, embezzlement, military action, and decadence of the regimes that govern this world to destroy them and thus destabilize the order in place, then we sweep a universe, and then begins a snowball effect that results in the destruction of this dimension.
            As you can guess, it takes a lot of time, but our master can have to sell (time).
            In addition, these techniques have already been proven.

              final question, what do you recommend to your enemies if they wan't to stand even the slightest chance?

                that will be all.

                  added interview with the darkness faction.

                  You could also just wait a couple of years. By then most factions will have torn each other apart and somebody will probably press the big red button on his/her [Please enter completely overpowered superweapon here]