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This is just a place for everyone to put their starter ships.

  • RULES *

  • Cost cannot exceed $50,000

  • No mods

Have fun!

This is a ship I put together in 5 minutes, with a "decent" paint job

The Squible

This starter ship soaks up enemy shots like a sponge, for nonstrategic captains who want an easy job.

After some minor testing, turns out the lasers are pretty accurate!

Can't starter ships be up to 80k?

    edit: I just checked, It's roughly 90k

    anyways, here's mine.
    runt class fighter. (costs 80,250)

    this fighter has lots of offense and defense! unfortunately, it isn't very maneuverable.

    tests conclude that it is a very good pairing of weapons, lasers take out weapons and ion takes the core.
    it is only good against the first and second tier enemies.

      Not really the best starter ship but of the small ships I've made I still like this one.
      Cost: slightly under 65,000

        Equalizer Ooh, very clever design! I love it!

          Here is my ship.

          Costs About 80k.

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            With 11x11 contest I learned a lot about small ships constructing by testing against CaptainCranbery powerful ship.
            I think that its time to design new (and better) starter ship 😃

            @Equalizer and @BattleCruiserCommander you both are the ones who know that Starter ship MUST have PD 😃

            BTW- starting funds are 80 000 exactly.

            This one:


              If we're talking about 50k I have this cute little thing

              If we're talking about what the upper limit is at right now, then I have this ship that I've only recently built
              It's 80k exactly and is probably the strongest starter I've made but I haven't thoroughly tested it/used it yet, I was going for an oval shape but those starter limits say no 😛

                • Edited

                Captain_Cranberry Find in @Equalizer discusion his B H rush chalenge, and try it, you will definetelly like it 😃

                Edit: hahaha, i just find out, that you managet that Challenge before me 😃 😃

                  Mc2Yeah I know about Equalizer's challenge, I've given it a try quite a few times now and its definitely alot of fun and I did manage to beat it the challenge (I've posted my results on the thread) but I don't really have a myriad of starter ships which is useful to test things during that challenge. This is rather surprising for me though as I tend to build small-mid sized ships and up until this point I've only had 1 viable starter ship.

                  Edit: LoL, my post is kind of irrelevant now 😛

                  • Mc2 replied to this.

                    are you sure its 80?
                    my ship Is 80 250 and still can be bought as a starter ship.

                    checked again and I hate that my ship is only 250 off from being able to use...
                    (why do you do this to me game!?!?!?)

                    TheSillyFox replace a bit of armour with a frame or remove unnecessary doors and it should be alright, unless your craft is already barebones

                    TheSillyFox Actually, i tried only one difficulty (with 80K limit), and that is the corect dificulty 😃 who want to play without challenge? 😃

                      Captain_Cranberry I was faster.

                      today is MP unstable, but looking forward to see you again in MP, you are the one from few real opponents 😃