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Combined Brood with Poking Stick mod to make a creature with pincers! If positioned right, it has the capability to tear through capital ships!



    RandomCommander Or first dedicated melee weapons mod?

    Hey bro Wow the Dream IS Coming true eh?
    Keep it up bro!

    10 days later

    glitch with the ion beam poking stick it can kill guns through armour without killing the armour it went through 8 layers of armour

    FRIES yeah, the emitter is a bit too far forward

      Wait there was an update?

        • Edited

        G4L4XY noooo

        Not since 1.1

        jbox1 Try it!

        jbox1 hahahahahahah YOu saw it alright

        a month later

        Copyright_Invalid I never found the exit myself...

        Also, there are many “weird parts of the internet”, so it was a matter of time before you found this one.

        Copyright_Invalid U no like poking sticks?

          23 days later

          I got an idea!
          How about 1000o Poking Stick!
          the 1000o knife was a trend a while ago.