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So you want to start a faction, well there are a few basic steps:

1. Ships
Start by making your ships, you will need a consistent design and paint scheme.
You will also need a ship description and preferably also a ship gimmick so for
this I will use a fake faction called the Tutorial Testers, these are their ships.

The Guider
A large ship armed with an ion beam laser and an armoured exoskeleton.


The Helper
The Helper is a small ship with electro bolts, great for disabling shields.


A faction should preferably have 5-35 ships in their arsenal. you should also
decide on if you want mods or not.

1½. Logo
If you want you can make a logo, it can be made of in-game assets or using
drawing apps.

2. lore
Make some backstory for your faction it can be as complicated as you want,
although I suggest a different post if your story is complicated. Here is the
Tutorial Testers lore:

The Tutorial Testers (TT) were a faction designed to teach random people how to make good factions. They perfected the "Invisible
Air Bubble" so they ditched corridors and used a weird structure
material instead.

The battle of Toutoria
One day over the TT base at Toutoria loomed a big black box which started >bombarding the base bellow and causing alot of panic. half the faction was lost including most leaders.


3. Diplomacy & War
To start interacting with other factions a good place to start is the events
section but there might be useful stuff in lore too. reply to the post, lend
ships to your favourite side in a war or post screenshots of a battle
explaining it and why it happened.

Hope you found this informative and if you want to negotiate with my
faction look here.

9 days later

Thank you, Because TBH some people make Sh**ty factions

a year later
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