Rifqi_Fajar_Zain I cant’t wait to see the other drones!
@Rifqi_Fajar_Zain A small Fromation jumps into OC Space
x1 x10
I may have lost my touch just then. But that’s expected (guess why)
May_the_Harpy I can't use some of the mods that you are using ☹
jbox1 Frank: Um hi these are my Escorts
Rifqi_Fajar_Zain Um they arenet attacking
May_the_Harpy /translation/ They are not attacking
May_the_Harpy that was not lore related
jbox1 wot?
jbox1 Frank:Waht is this lore yu speak off (It is now muhahahahah 😆 )
May_the_Harpy Jay: What is wrong with your spelling??
May_the_Harpy Omerus: "Yeow, why hello thyere young lads! What can I do for ya?!"
jbox1 I can't use some of that mods. What mods are you using beside drones mod?
Rifqi_Fajar_Zain I think that is archon plasma and another mod
Rifqi_Fajar_Zain im using the voidborn mod arcons plamsa and thats it
jbox1 Im in school and quick typng on my phone =9
May_the_Harpy well ok then
May_the_Harpy /translation/ FUQ YE BOOIIII
(Jk, nah)
I am using voidborn mod and archon’s plasma
jbox1 Now on my Way home muhahaha love it when im sick hehe oh jbox a friend of my started a faction could you take a loo and tel him were to imporve @GunnerOfEarth
jbox1 what is that mod?
Rifqi_Fajar_Zain Heaterfield
Rifqi_Fajar_Zain I think it is a private mod for the voidborn faction. Not sure, I haven’t been that proactive with getting mods lattely.
jbox1 nah its for all i found it pre voidborn
jbox1 The Voidborn faction currently has no private mod, just to clear that up for you... (I mean i would make one but i cant sprite and idk how to c# mod)