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Gladiaxa Contact me on discord

    zergRush99 I have no discord

      Gladiaxa Well,make one. its free XD

        zergRush99 your discord?

          Gladiaxa zergRush99#0178

            zergRush99 I asked you as a friend

              zergRush99 changed the title to BloodCult mod 1.6.8v(IM TAKING A BREAK).

                I will not work on any mods.....Im done for sometime.....It was a long adveture my friends. I have learned a lot. And you were the best community I have ever met. I will be back, with more energy then ever, and we will create something that no one have ever seen.
                Thank you again.


                  my blood hunter [yes i know its ugly]but is op!

                    4 days later

                    MacGhriogair I haven't done modding before

                    writes down a bunch of complex modding stuff

                    MacGhriogair Like I've said though, no experience modding in Cosmoteer, just something that I've noticed.


                    18 days later
                    zergRush99 changed the title to BloodCult mod 1.7.1v(Primal age).

                      UPDATE my bois, 1.7.1, all the other versions from 1.6.9 to 1.7.0 didnt work with the new update.
                      Im here to give you some reskins of the Hunter and the Ravager
                      Bounty mod should be easier.
                      And the Flak got buffed.
                      We have some nice changes I hope you all will like it

                      zergRush99 I'm really scared of this faction now. Please do not intervene with the New Conglomerate at any cost.

                        the_guy545 HA WE ARE THE BLOOD CULT, AND NOW WE ARE VERY INTRESTED IN YOU.

                          zergRush99 Uh oh. I only have one thing to say in response to that:

                          We don’t want another war...

                            10 days later

                            Sorry if you don't work on this anymore, but I am trying to download this mod with ABH, Drones++, and the inbuilt large ships mod, but it keeps crashing. Do I post the error here?

                              TheLastBeacon Could it be it´s something about memory usage?
                              Oh and ABH is currently broken if you didn´t fix it, just as Drones++ if you don´t have the newest version.

                              ABH isn't broken for me though...
                              Drones is perfectly fine, as I havn't downloaded the newest version yet, same goes to cosmoteer.
                              Aside from that, I will try to find out.

                                TheLastBeacon put the crash log here. And Im working on this mod. But the next updates will come as addons. Thats all.