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The Sphyrnidae Trading Guild originally started off as a small shipping company located on a small backwater world. They quickly rose to prominence in their sector and began to extend their influence. During this time of expansion instability between the various worlds lead to frequent pirate attacks on many ships. This lead the the trading guild to develop their own fleet of destroyers, battle cruisers, and battle ships. Soon they established a new base of operations near the remnants of a destroyed planet that they could mine for resources that their space stations would refine into various weapons and ammo that they would provide to all sides. Well, if they paid enough that is.

The fleet.

The Sphyrna Corona is a lightly armed and armored scout ship. It is mainly used to make sure the route is clear for the rest of the fleet. It's quick speed makes it perfect for this job.

The Sphyrna Media was one of the first destroyer class ships that the Guild developed. The addition of shields increased the survivability of the craft and provided a suitable platform for improvements.

The Sphyrna Tiburo was built on the same aft section of the Media. The use of cannons and missiles greatly increased it's capacity for destruction.

The Sphyrna Tudes was the first battle cruiser the guild created. It is heavily armed and armored. But the biggest advantage it posses is the modular construction system developed for the mid missile sections.

The Sphyrna Gilberti is the most common battle cruiser in the guilds fleet. It's speed and maneuverability make it a dangerous foe to face. Not to mention if there is one there are bound to be several more in the area.

The Sphyrna Lewini is the largest of the battle cruiser class and used mainly as patrol ships around the main Guild area. Occasionally these ships are sent out as a show of force when ever someone is foolish enough to double cross the guild.

The Sphyrna Zygaena was the first battleship the Guild developed based on the data the recorded from the battle cruiser class. It was is quicker, more maneuverable, and far deadlier. With the addition of the Zygaena many a battle that would have been lost was won handily.

The Sphyrna Mokarran or "Great Hammerhead" was developed a the height of the Guilds power. The most surprising thing about this ship is it's speed. Quickly outpacing the Zygaena and all of the other battle cruisers. Not only is it quick it is also incredibly powerful in offence and defense. The sheer size and cost of this vessel lead to only one being built at this time.

The Megachasma Pelagios is the smallest and oldest freighter in the Guilds fleet. They are versatile and can hold a fair amount of freight. These agile ships are easy to mass produce and quickly pay for themselves.

The Cetorhinus Maximus is not only a freight ship but also a troop carrier. Developed at the height of hostilities as a way for smaller systems to move their forces around without having a dedicated fleet for it.

The Rhincodon Typus is a massive freighter that was developed to keep the battle fleets supplied when they are sent out to collect a debt from anyone who has failed to pay. At any time you will see at least two of these ships following the "Great Hammerhead" keeping it supplied and ready to strike the Guilds enemies at a moments notice.

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