...the woman seemed to breath in for a moment and then started talking...
"Well, for example there´s white matter which has an actual negative mass, it´s usually found at the core of whiteholes, though those are a rare occurance in realspace, there would also be Gravetite, which doesn´t have negative mass, but has similar affects on it´s immediate surroundings once refined far enough, another one would be Zerit, which has also has a negative mass but doesn´t interact with it´s surroundings, there are a few other options though they would be...inefficent.
It really just depends on how you intend to use the negative matter effect, though the choice is up to you.
Oh and I should note we usually prefer our measurements in volume instead of mass, though as this is a rather special case, mass should suffice."
...she breathed out and smiled, both her knowledge and breath were rather admirable...