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So 124.000 tonnes of proton star matter? This would be...acceptable. You can send the wares to the next TATC trading platform, the proton star matter will be sent as soon as they arrive.
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Good day, Atma Varven here, first of I´ll have to tell you that you should read our Terms of Service.
About your orcer we´re sorry to tell you that Tritanium is currently not being sold by us, however since you´re a customer we could ask another branch to send some tritanium over, this would take a few days though and come with an extra fee of 5% so 3.150 credits per tonne. Nullspace matter cannot be sold in tonnes due to being basically weightless, we could sell you 100m3 instead though. Antimatter is sold in m3 aswell going at a price of 1.000 credits per m3. Red matter is rather expensive due to it´s rather dangerous nature, being sold at 50.000 credits per tonne, additional to that you´d have to purchase a licence from the ITC that allows you to buy red matter, which will come with regularly ITC tests if your license is still valid. The license will require you not to start any wars and not use the red matter for any questionable experiments either, however you will be allowed to research and process it, the license and the corresponding tests by the ITC will be a total of 1.200.000 credits, the license lasts 25 years. with tests if the license is still valid every half year.
Containment units for the matter are not included in the price and will have to be purchased separately if you do not own any yet.
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