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On the border of Imperium Territoy, a hug force amasses...

Led By the Mercy Mk ll...


...And any other Fighters for Freedom Flagships.

To all allies, send as many ships as possible, and hopefully your flagships, Come to Beta Ovenga X, to start

Outfitted with new technology, the Protectors of innocence send 100 Modded Swords, 1,000 Modded Pages, 1,000 Modded Squires, 1,000 Modded Knights, and 1,000 Modded Questors


And this is where fun begins ...

/ IA /

Danger, danger, a large fleet of enemy ships are regrouping on the edges of the empire.

The coordinates are ... (?) ..., located in the Beta Ovenga X Star.

/ IA /

Meanwhile the Emperor was discussing the possible threat posed by this ...

Admirals, this is a big problem, we never contemplate the possibility that they would regroup for a major attack. And not only that, there is a big unidentified ship, we do not know what that is and I do not want to see it.

-Mara: So what do we do, Does the Project "Sun Crusher" its ready?

-Emperator: No. It's at 30%.

-Great Admiral: That does not matter, Mara and Archer, their fleets with me. The Crimson fleet will take up the matter. In the meantime call our allies.




Jesus3747 you don't know about that.

Jesus3747 we Slyverians will send thousands of our ships, (and we may have discovered the best ship designs in the universe and the most strategic) (cough my elite cruiser killed like 3 of my regular cruisers at once)
We will send 50 star destroyers, 250 of every kind of battle ship we have (the three of them), 500 of each type of frigate we have, and 1000 of each cruiser we have (BUT NO ELITE SHIPS YET, DO NOT USE THEM, (its a secret project for our faction) and sorry we can't provide we take our own time to build our ships to make sure they are built perfectly right, so production is slow

In response to Slyverian forces, the Protectors of Innocence send reinforcements, tripling their fleet.

Tickytickytango whats your faction again i forgot lol i haven't been on much the past few days

    Tickytickytango OH MY GOSH NEVER MIND IM SO DUMB lol i read your post so past i didn't see your faction name but hey cough cough quality over quantity cough cough

    Tickytickytango oh ok still (quality over quantity)

      Yeah. Something like that. cough cough modded vs vanilla cough cough

      Tickytickytango wait your faction is vanilla if that's it then oh boy gg easily son

      Jesus3747 also zergRush99 and well Drakador_Chaos i've sent reinforcements buts we aren't using my elite ships and my Blood Cult Hybrid super weapon ship will not be put into this war due to it still going through repairs since the last war

        In order to deal with going up against 4 modded factions, I decided it was time I updated my tech. My faction now has modded versions of each of its ships.

        Tickytickytango i cri but hey look how out numbered we are lol 4 factions vs let me see 10 so almost 1 to 3 so fair

        Tickytickytango but i also make my ships before they come out go through heavy testing and i've actually scrapped a few of my ships because i have very strict standards for my ship's strengths here is a scrapped one and yes ikr its ugly

        Yeah, discount the fact that a single sip from any of those four factions can take out an entire fleet of ships from any of the other factions.

        Tickytickytango it had a really bad issue with crew just jumping out of their seats to repower the shields making the ship useless if it lost its shields and there we other reasons so, i scrapped it

          You're a really fast typer.

          Tickytickytango well when i get more elite ships for my faction out they can easily destroy ships way more than them and can easily destroy multiple ships around their size because my testing proves sucessful but i will not share all the requirements for my ships that they have to go through to actually part of my faction, because i want my faction to be very strong and hard to stop (also while having cool looking ships)