The IronClad Legion rises and with them a tide of war. The IronClad Legion believe that anything outside of their territory is an enemy and must be eliminated. Their Grand-Master Rumos, is preparing for war, will you be next.
1st Legion
IronClad Scout
Mass: 91.2 Tonnes
Crew: 16 souls
Cost: 103,300 Credits
IronClad Cruiser
Mass: 891.0 Tonnes
Crew: 156 souls
Cost: 691,400 credits
2nd Legion
IronClad Corvett
Mass: 307.2 Tonnes
Crew: 90 souls
Cost: 343,300 credits
IronClad Destroyer
Mass: 349.3 Tonnes
Crew: 124 souls
Cost: 476,550
IronClad Command: Commander Callus's Personal ship
Mass: 2223.2 Tonnes
Crew: 378 souls
Cost: 1,639,000 C
Legion 4 coming soon