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7 months later
Bubbet unlocked the discussion.
    Bubbet changed the title to Bubbet's Placeholder Mod(0.14.2).

      I've updated this for 0.14.2. New content is still being made, but i wouldn't expect it soon. Lots of stuff has to be reworked first.

      Bubbet Wow, it's possible to unlock a thread.
      Nice mod, @Bubbet!

        I can't get the ammo pipes or the energy wires to work.

          Bubbet why are you not using your own mod talk section instead?

          Can anyone help?

            Zachary A: reply to people don't just sat it otherwise they might not see it, and the weapons cant have doors connecting to them


                IVIemories Because everyone else with a mod talk section doesnt have their main thread locked.

                  Bubbet that's because none of the other mod authors use their main threads anymore.

                  You already have your own section, stop competing for space with other, smaller mods.

                    Is this compattible with TTE armory?

                      You haven't looked at their threads then huh?

                        Dont see why it wouldnt be

                          The Matter Repeller and the Arc Defense don't seem to work.

                            The Matter Repeller and the Arc Defense don't seem to work.

                              The Matter Repeller and the Arc Defense don't seem to work.

                                Sorry, it didn't seem to work so I tried multiple times.

                                  have you tried setting them to autofire?