I really don't pay that much attention to colors & stuffs, cause most of the time i always look at their interiors to see how the crew function :v
Ship Improvement Thread
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Minty_Kee2 Far too many reactors and FTL drives. Could also probably be shielded and more thrusters added since the maneuverability is bad.
Remember this? It's already a pretty powerful revision.
Hello! I wanted to submit a ship here when there's nobody already waiting, but it looks like now's a time good as ever.
I haven't been up with the Cosmoteer meta since 2017, so I have no idea what's considered bad and good anymore. I've been relying on some old modules I saved and some of the contest winner ships to build. I'm submitting one of the better ships to come out of my trial and error over the past month or so.
(As a side note, can anybody tell me how the new stuff is best utilized? Me an' my sib have been using stuff but we aren't sure if it's actually worth it. I tend to throw two-factory flak everywhere and use railgun accelerators is excess. Somebody said accels were nerfed, and I'm not sure if that's any good anymore. Are engine rooms worth it?)
Oh! Also, I was on this thread before. At post 19, or something, I sent a bad ship to be fixed. I nabbed the missile modules off it and used those for a while, but the missiles on the Scarab above was taken from the Excelsis.
Please keep the shape of the ship as it is, you may change to colours a little bit but I don't like how the crew works, and I can't get my head around the different crew system
oh and it uses krooms forge mod
i dunno about modded, chief
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Mu2hroom Two-fac-flak only really beats out one-fac-flak when sustained fire is needed, otherwise the cost isn't really worth it. Ions are most effective when combining beams of equal strength. For railguns, 1 accelerator is the most efficient as it allows a railgun to 1HKO a shield or 7-8 accelerators for maximum range. It takes something like 20~ accelerators to penetrate 2 shields due to mechanics and the declining effectiveness of additional accelerators. I find that large reactors aren't really worth it due to not being able to distribute all that power effectively, but the mediums are great. And engine rooms, which essentially gives 75% of a free thruster for every thruster attached.
Mediums are so great I replaced everything in your ship with it. My refit makes the ship more durable at the cost of focus fire because I thickened the frontal tower so much the heavy lasers can't fire past. Refit also weighs more from armor.
Everything now runs on the large reactor. Ship is faster, more shielded, and has point defenses. Command room is less exposed. Downside is lower sensor range. Front turret could be swapped out for a sensor array to fix that.
I've already done this ship, twice.
Hatter neat, thanks
Wait, also, is it actually worth it to mess with crew behaviors? I see the Shield Techs and was wondering if that actually helps the ship.
Crew assignments are not that difficult or complicated once you understand it well, and can drop your crew requirements by 10-50% depending on how badly you made it. It also teaches you how much crew you should have for each part; once you learn it, it will help you massively with your ship design as well.
Can someone improve this:
dodo_bear remove the explosives to start with
dodo_bear also the bottom of the ship is very vulnerable and also, where the hell is the back thrust?
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May The Power Of Christ Compel You!!
(pls improve me : D, please keep the actual design in one peace, requires kroom's forge, normal armour extention and my Bits 'n' Bobs mod)
BritishSpuds Link to the Bits 'n' bobs mod, please.