Guy Well the very frugal modifications tell me that I'm doing something right. Thanks man, I'll probably try and shave something else to get those jump drives back though. Maybe the boosters...
Ship Improvement Thread
Saesee_Tiin Try making the railguns a bit bigger. A 4 accelerator railgun can knock down a shield in 1 hit.
It also only needs 1 engine room in those thurster blocks. Note that the engine room buff does not stack.
Might want to find a way to have more turning thrust on the front so that it can rotate more easily.
Equalizer That's the plan. Though rotation speed is not a problem, it's lateral movement that I need to upgrade.
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Well I don't play tournaments or anything, but I am half decent and I didn't see any major problems. You may want more electro bolters, maybe another pair at the very top or very bottom of the broadside. I honestly didn't look too closely at your thruster blocks, but you could change the other two similar to how I did the top one, so you only use one engine room apiece. You could probably also fit some side-facing normal thrusters in the gap between front and rear-facing thrusters to help with your strafing. The doors to make that work might be weird, but it's just a thruster block and should be fine.
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Saesee_Tiin what are that bullshit? why i keep seeing thos stuff when i watch other player's ship
CATMASTER That's what happens when you redesign the engine compartment and forget to remove something
Brank So you're going for something at exactly one million?
can anyone make this more perfect? it's one of my best ships relative to size.
Guess who's baaaaaaaaack! So I have another older design that's now part of my fleet. Unfortunately its performance is less than satisfactory. I want a second opinion before I go chopping it up. Fair warning, it MUST stay at or under 2 million credits.
Now I've already made a Mark II, but it's too pricey and I really don't want to use rail-guns on the original. Here's the MK II for reference.
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mystery_player Here
You may need to repaint it a bit, but the functionality you wanted is there. I did sacrifice one FTL drive though. Oh, and don't mind the battle damage. XD
It's definitely better.
My first attempt at a mega ship, it can handle all the built in ships besides the Terror. Any suggestions?
Whispering don't clump reactors they will chain and wreck your ship
Right don't chain reactors, that would explain the massive explosions when something gets through the shields.
Whispering Those reactors at still too close. About 4 away should work.
Whispering well first this one has a tiny amount of fire power considering it's price and also chain reactive so i tried upgrading it so it is more effective and cheaper now but still lacks fire power,cant really do much if i dont want to affect the shape to much,also changed the paint abit ,here is the design.