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panda Hi Panda, yep I remember naming the Pathfinders! This is the ship that made me think of the name. 😃 I'll be happy to give it a look.


Improve this ship I DARE YOU!

(This is really just a joke and i had to lol)

Teg i can see some of the things you did and it looks good but when I downloaded it too have a good look at how things were changed internally I realised that the game doesn't seem to recognise it as a ship design so I couldn't load it

    • Edited

    Captain_Cranberry Are you adding the .ship into the name when you download? Example: l0nIEow.png becomes l0nIEow.ship.png

    Teg Thanks in advance 😃

    Could you improve my ship "Finale"?

      TheLastBeacon Do you mind posting it here? I'm a bit busy with IRL stuff atm, but hope to get back to ship building soon.


      TheLastBeacon Thought I'd give it a try so here you go:


      You'll need to touch up the paint yourself. End result is something a lot more durable and about 10% cheaper at just under 1 mil with only a slight drop in missile fire rate, 1/3rd less ion beams and have much better FTL efficiency. Your ship used to blow up like a stick of dynamite but now it should be extremely hard to take out.

      @Teg Would be interested to see what you do with his and see how it fairs against what I did :p

      • Teg likes this.

      dieaready thank you for Improving my design!
      looks amazing!


        • Teg likes this.

        dieaready lol that post was just a joke, but nice remake!

          • Edited

          Captain_Cranberry The AI for broadsiders seems to be very borked atm, they can't stop flipping back and forth. So sorry I'm giving up on this one for now.

          The improved ship:
          The result:


          What I did:

          Added shields.

          Switched weapons. Large cannons have only got the accuracy to hit larger ships (mostly), the new weapons load out is better against smaller ships and shields.

          Added missile factory. I think one factory per launcher is a good ratio.

          Added PD. Missiles are still pretty strong.

          Added more thrusters. The ship wasn't very maneuverable, so I added some thrusters to help slow down(which effects forward speed too).

          Hope you enjoy the new ship!

          Can you take a look at this?
          I really want it to be able to beat the Cerberus, while maintaining its size.
          I also like the look of the unshielded engines, but it is definitely a massive weak point and I would trade performance over looks any day.

          • Teg replied to this.

            Teg No problem, thanks for giving me a hand with my missile cruiser. It honestly never occured to me to use conveyers in that way to keep crew where they are the most needed instead of wandering somewhere else to do something on the other side of the ship

            I always assumed the AI rotations on broadside ships was doing that in an attempt to keep the shields fresh and possibly move to a side where the weapons are fully supplied and ready to go

            Captain_Cranberry I does. but way over does it imo, some more customization in how a ship fights would be nice, but perhaps a lot of work and not very intuitive for new players

              Captain_Cranberry Walt confirmed AI for broadsiders is borked for now. He should have it fixed by the next patch.

                Captain_Cranberry I just added internal bulkheads and redesigned your reactor/energy storages to prevent chain reactions.


                dieaready Thanks a bunch, your tweaks gave me abit of clarity and some ideas on how to further modify the ship because the internals aren't as much of a mess. Now I've upgraded the ship with more Armour, more fire resistance, better weapons and more shields while only sacrificing crew numbers abit which isn't important considering only 1 side of the ship is engaged at any one time usually and it still costs less.

                This thread has started to make me bother about upgrading my earlier ship's designs, but I've made a decent amount by now with lots of different versions and its gonna be alot of effort 😛

                • Teg likes this.
                4 days later

                ljb135 Sorry for the late reply. As mentioned above, broadsiders are borked atm, so until they're fixed I'm going to hold off on editing them.

                The improved ship:
                The result:


                What I did:

                I'll keep mentioning it every time I see it, keep reactors apart to prevent chain exploding, in the screenshot above you can see just how much it compromises the ship.

                Missiles will damage stuff behind shields these days, so having some forward shields that only have armor in front should help mitigate missiles that make it through the PD.

                Added tons more missiles, you just can't beat that round the back damage. You could swap them back to lasers if you'd like, but just having some flanker ships to pin enemy flankers would work better.

                Added some protection and efficiency to forward weapons.

                Hope the ship and info prove useful!