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Teg Hey Teg! I'm so sorry for not responding for a long time. I was just wondering If Omega was finished. XD

Sombreroman @Teg said that he's taking a break so you either could have a long wait or could re-post what you want improved and maybe someone else will try.

an issue that i found whith this ship is the sheelding over the ion beames is week when the shield goes down agenst ships with large cannons they will pierce through and hit the reactors a fix is mooving the ion beames up and placing fire estungers or armor behind in a checorbord fation so crew can walk through

    stafftank I guess it depends on if your talking about a more expensive ship than this one attacking it. This one should hold its own against similar cost ships.

    About the only way to take on bigger ships is to use a missile kiter, shooting long range missiles while staying out of the other ships weapons range.

    Equalizer I'll wait.

      Veltrdon I am also a new player, but logically, would it not be preferable to have your entire ship's weaponry firing simultaneously at the enemy rather than have a broadside design, where the other side of your ship is essentially a wasted $400k? I understand your logic in that you want to spin the ship to refresh shields, but as you said, enormous firepower is useful because the quicker you overpower your enemy, the less damage you take, and thus, the cheaper your ship needs to be in order to beat the enemy.

        qrtz As I have mentioned in another post, Firepower was not really the main purpose of the ship. It was an afterthought. It was originally designed to be a cheap shield, but it was nice for it to punch. Also, it is currently the tankiest ship in my fleet, and I intend for it to be in the center of fights, thus the broadside design and not a firepower oriented one. I already have other one-sided-weapon-focus ships in development, but my Kraken 1142 is not meant for damage, it was meant for tankiness and thus that is why I made it a spinning broadside ship.

        Why don't I just make a ship that has purely shields only? I can, but most smart AI and players will just simply ignore it if its damage is negligible, but they cannot ignore the Kraken nor destroy it easily either.

          WillieSea @Equalizer @Atarlost My Kraken 1142 has been updated! It's cost has risen from 934,400 to 976,400, which is a significant cost increase, but that is because I added 12 more point defenses (4 on each end, plus 4 in the middle), as Willie has suggested I do to improve it's weakness for missiles. I have also added 8 new big thrusters, 4 on each side, and increased its speed. The ammo factories have been moved inwards to reduce explosions. Those are the major changes. It is still able to take on the Crescent Wrath by itself, but it still has not achieved its goal of doing the same for Cerberus. 🙁

          Anyways, what do you guys think of my new changes? What else can I improve on in my ship?

          Also, still can't attach anything as PNG files for the forums. Sorry about that. Forums still say "something went wrong."

          Veltrdon If you want my opinion, here it is. lol

          I would move those engines off the broadsides and make a little more room on the ends for them. What I might do is remove one PD that is next to the big gun, put in an armor piece, and on the other side where you have the big engine, put another armor piece and a PD. Having the engines on the broadside is a weakness in the design.

            WillieSea Which PD spot specifically? Are you suggesting I simply remove the engines on the sides or something?

              Well, move the engines to the end of the ship. You really don't need an engine pointing up and down either. But that's just my suggestion. I really can't improve the ship without increasing the cost a bit.

                It seem really hard to make a cost effective broadside ship compared to one where all weapons face forward.

                The following started off as @Veltrdon's ship but I've changed it so much it is basically a different ship now. The goal was to be able to consistently beat Cerberus as @Veltrdon wanted (ship cost limit of 1M), but it still can't really do that.


                So maybe someone else can come up with a better design.

                Equalizer The Cerberus is a 2 million credit ship. Its unlikely that any 1 million credit ship could take it out without a lot of kiting and manual control.

                BTW, that is a cool cigar ship. 😃

                This is the first ship I built in Cosmoteer 😃
                The weapons are compartmentalized so that they explode without affecting the ones around them, the cost is $1.1mil. The paint is a bit sloppy 😛

                Here's an interior view, I couldn't get the website to upload a .png properly for some reason:

                WillieSea Pretty much all of the bounty ships (including Cerberus) aren't supposed to be cost efficient (otherwise bounty hunter would be really hard) so a 1M cannon wall ship can consistently beat it even with computer control (i.e. ram each other and shoot till the enemy blows up; no fancy control).

                However making more interesting ships then cannon walls that have similar effectiveness is kind of hard.

                Equalizer Very true that.

                I have been messing around with cannon walls, and I just have not got the right combination of armor, shields and guns to be very effective.

                  Veltrdon I may have finally stumbled on a design that might be slightly better. But just slightly.


                  well i did a massive upgrade to blackbird to change alot of stuff but if you guy could improve it more then pls
                  the front shield got removed cause i found they cant stop anything due to shield hitbox so


                      qrtz If you are looking for suggestions, you probably could reduce the number of reactors by quite a bit. Normally 1 reactor for 2 shield generators is enough (also there should be a door directly from the reactor to the shield generator in the front modules).