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weird, well I'm gonna be experimenting with the ion turrets.

  • Teg replied to this.

    lel that why i used storage for
    to reduce the thing cost down

      storage can last a supringly long time

        • Edited

        TheSillyFox FYI when you first build the ship it will be the first control room that you place that will be the mothership, after you save and reload the ship it becomes the leftmost control room.

        BattleCruiserCommander it would be nice if teg could take like a "holiday" from the page

          David623 Here's my attempt to improve your ship without increasing the cost.

          On your ship the electro-bolts actually stick out of the shields and can be destroyed while the shields are up. Because of this the front is quite different. Other than that, some crew was traded for more power, some small thrusters for better maneuvering and the large cannons were moved back a bit so they are better protected, since they tend to be the target.

          • Teg likes this.

          it still somewhat cover the thing
          also my beautiful ship!I made it to resemble a bird and now it look like idk what

            also second row of EB cant fire foward
            and not it cant fire broadside using 4 EB

              David623 thus, you have to make yor mind if you want good looking ship or good MP performance, i preffer how good ship looks like😃 To hell with performance.

              the thing do fine in MP before
              it killed 3 400k ship before dying in a MP match once
              the thing got good balance between both look and combat

                Mc2 But there is nothing more satisfying than making something that looks good and kicks ass

                  Captain_Cranberry completely agree, but in reality, that are completelly different apects and you always must sacrifice one of them, so ugly ships are strongest one, and when you concentrate on stenght, you end to very similar design like others who prefer strenght.

                  I thing that ship in my avatar is the best one ever made 😃 But no one in MP is respecting my avesome looking design 🙁

                    Mc2 I try to achieve a balance between aesthetics and functionality and I'd say I've done a decent job so far with a fair few of my ships, of course they're not going to always be as strong as a design focused purely on effectiveness but then there's some skill involved in trying to overcome a stronger opponent and ships with some minor downsides can add character making them more enjoyable and unique like your beast ships.

                    While ultimate death cubes and the U ships of no return are cool and all, I'd still take a less effective design any day if I think it looks good (unless its a competition, that's a different story)

                    • Mc2 replied to this.

                      Can you improve this please?


                      Captain_Cranberry Look at my faction and you find on which side from look or power I m🙂

                      Competition and Teg killers ship does not count. 😃

                        Dave-II Here is my take on your ship upgrade. I made it a tiny bit bigger, 2 tiles wider. I also bulged the side weapons out a bit to give it more style. It does a lot better against your ship. 🙂

                        Also, I put some passages in since the ship was rather cramped. 😉


                        Teg ok

                          you know, i think it would be nice of random people to do improvements on this thread too. then the workload would not just be on teg's overworked shoulders.

                          David623 It is really strong ship agains other cannon ships, but you know, any missile kiter kill it easily, and any persiud ship kill the kitter, and any kind of similar ship like your kill the persuid ship and missile kiter....

                          Maybe lets ask @Teg if he want to loose his job because other start to improve ship instead of him? 😃
                          What else he will do then?