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  • Ship Designs
  • The first true carrier capable of rebuilding 6 fighters!

Teg It isn't my game, it is Walt's, and he also thought that missiles were near useless before so he changed it. The whole point of Cosmoteer is to build many different types of ships, and now actually making interceptor type craft needed means now we need to build 1 more type of ship. IMO it is meant to be the whole rock-paper-scissors challenge instead of just building 1 or 2 types of ships and then calling it quits there since they are the most optimal. Missile kites were already untouchable before, now they are able to actually do damage rather than just running away. Tournaments will not be any more about who can build the best cannon wall or the best kite, and now maybe we'll see a lot more variety in the tournaments.

    dieaready I hope your right, I think we'll just see heaps and heaps of missiles kiters.

      so, been having issues with the "core ship" not being kept as the core after the split, but i think i have it figured it out..

      first off, what the core ship is when you build and what it is after you spawn from your library after saving is differant.

      here is two ship designs, one of which finally always has the mother ship as the "core" after the minis are launched.

      this one always has the top left child become the "core" after the split instead of the mothership.

      This one the children are never considered the "core" after the split anytime i spawn it in from the Library.

      the difference is that i added a cockpit to the top corner of the mothership, i added it there when i noticed that it was always the top left most ship in any of my swarm builds that seemed to be the core..

      it can be gathered that the "core" is considered any part connected to the top left most cockpit.

      replacing the same tile with anything else does not alter which ship becomes the "core" however adding the cockpit to that corner changes which becomes the core.

      i dont know if this is the for sure reality of how the "core" gets determined, but for me it does seem that where the top left most cockpit is located will be considered where the core of the entire build is when enough damage is done.

      to further test the concept i did this build

      once i save the build, and spawned a new one of it in, the tiny ship that separates on the absolute top left becomes the "core".

      when you build a craft, this is initally the first cockpit you place. when you save and then spawn a build in from the library, this top left rule seems to apply..

      Hypertion Yeah, I kinda suspected top left had something to do with it, it's why my first carrier has control rooms left and high of the fighters. It's a shame as that means your escape pod idea won't work, maybe make that suggestion after all? 😃

        actually i can just have the escape pod up there and as long as i dont eject it, it stays as one peice with the rest of the mothership untill i eject it... i can build upside down if i want the pod to be near the back after all!

        ya tho i am going to make that suggestion.


        i used the Pac-Man swarm as a example in the summary of the mechanics as current brief.

        i have a lot of fun with it.


        with the info found in

        i was able to further determine the exact order of the scan. Top left to bottom right.

        it scans in rows from top to bottom in order left to right.

        to test this, i added a cockpit to the absolute left most part of the pac man swarm, save and spawned it back in.

        as you can see it worked, and made the bottom left most pac man the control. we could use that to define a "escape pod" if we wanted to for now.

        Hypertion i can build upside down if i want the pod to be near the back after all!

        Genius, simple yet effective. Time to design some new carriers! 😃

        idk if you saw it yet, but i figured the exact order of scan when a ship is spawned in that determines the core cockpit.

        it scans in top to bottom rows, in sequence from left to right.

        if two cockpits are in the same vertical row, the higher one gets priority.

        so this,
        will become this

        even if they are slighly overlapping, the more left one still wins


        this could be used to ensure the escape pod is always at the bottom, no need to build upside down. just make sure the cockpit of the pod is farther to the left than the rest of them.

        if two cockpits are in the same vertical row, the higher one gets priority

        so with


        you get


        ok i think i have gone a bit overboard with the testing to narrow this down. =P

        Hypertion Unless Walt changes it all because of your suggestion thread (I hope he does) then this is super useful to know.

          i love to have carriers in game i have my selv try it was well whit kinda succes

          /\ first model

          /\ second model

          creeperindustry tough my second design was kinda build to launch a whole fleet at once reason why it has so many different type of ships on it

            • Edited

            Built some carrier modules for people to try out or add to their own ships:
            Escape pod (make sure the Command Room in the escape pod is the furthermost on the left) This can be used to flee lost battles and if positioned correctly can rebuild the entire ship it was attached to. It uses corridor instead of substructure so you can still double click to select all without triggering the escape pod. Self destruct the corridor in the same way.
            Here is my new Quick Loading Disposable Fighter QLDF for short. A throwaway flanking fighter. Remember to sell it if there anything left. They have a short shelf life so use them up quickly.
            And here is a bay for my Fire Ants, you can keep spawning them even if you're in debt or just use them to mop up smaller systems. They are pretty effective in a swarm.
            This is a missile kiter bay, the ship can solo Cerberus 😃

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            Here's my "Super Carrier" made of my mods and ships:
            The full compliment is:
            1x Gunwall class destroyer
            2x QLDFs Flanking fighters
            1x Fire Ant Scout Swarmer
            1x Missile OP kiter ship
            1x Escape Pod capable of rebuilding the entire carrier.

            While I realize this ship is mostly pointless, it showcases some cool mechanics. If Walt only allows ship purchases at stations but keeps field repairs carriers might have a real use.

            Teg lol teg ima build a carrier soon but i keep being lazy and not doing so lol and i really like your carriers.

            • Teg likes this.

            Jabenyezaa Thanks! 😃

              @Teg mine can carry 8 fighters

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              Dovahkiin Yep it's cool, but isn't capable of replenishing fighters. Also I believe your fighters won't fly straight without resetting their flight direction. I can't even load it as it has mods.

              I updated my Super carrier a bit to make it more user friendly and gave it missiles behind the Gunwall Destoryer. Self destruct squares to launch disposable fighters and self destruct triangles to launch re-usable ships.
              And here's a dedicated QLDF carrier:

              Teg Another Version of the QLDF carrier except with missiles.

              xPLAYn Okay!

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              Sombreroman @Hypertion Found out it is actually the furthermost left Control Room that becomes the Prime CR after the ship has been saved and reloaded. It is only during building the ship that the first CR is the Prime CR.

              Teg How about when you rotate the direction of flight (eg, fly right instead of fly up)? Would that change anything?